5 Best babyfaces in WWE today

Dolph Ziggler got a new lease on his wrestling career with the move to SmackDown Live

John Cena is still the beloved (and hated) wrestler WWE has built him up to be. The 15-time WWE World champion is loved because he connects with the fan base, but is despised for the same reason and for the fact his gimmick is old and dated. Where is his “Thuganomics” shtick when you need it?

WWE still banks on Cena to bring in the fans when other superstars fall short.

Many of the superstars on WWE’s roster fall short these days because their characters don’t have the depth or a backstory.

They arrive on the scene, move up the ladder and then leave the fans wanting more because they are plain and sometimes drab. For that reason, the company relies on a short list of babyfaces (and heels) fans identify with and enjoy watching in the ring and on the mic.

Here are the five best babyfaces in WWE today:

#1 Sasha Banks

Sasha Banks (and Charlotte) are doing it better than anyone in WWE

The Boss has been better than advertised since she joined the mix last year on the main roster. Her current run as the Women’s Champion has been a refreshing program and her feud with Charlotte Flair is white hot. It is the best program going in the company today.

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Banks’ ability to appeal to the masses, her style and her in-ring performances make me think of Lita. While she still has some time to reach that kind of status, she is well on her way toward being the best, if not the best female to ever wrestle in WWE.

#2 Bayley

Bayley is the future of the women’s division

I happen to really love Bayley. It's a crush, I know it, and there's nothing I can do about it. But I would really like a hug for Bailey. That being said, the newest member of the Raw brand is making her way toward a title shot. Right now, Banks and Flair are stealing the show.

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Bayley should be part of a program with Banks by WrestleMania 33 and the title should be on the line. Maybe it becomes the match that finishes the night in Orlando. The best compliment I can pay Bayley is she has a John Cena-like appeal to the fans. WWE should cash in on that.

#3 Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins’ recent babyface turn has been met with many obstacles

I’m a believer in Rollins, but I don’t like how WWE has used him like a puppet in the current program with Kevin Owens. Also, his babyface turn will be complete when he finally faces Triple H – if that happens.

What makes Rollins so popular is his cockiness and his role as a ‘tweener’ which leads you to believe he could jump back to the other side at any time. For the better part of 2015, Rollins was the best WWE had to offer. On the men’s side of the fence, he still is. He needs another title run in 2017.

#4 Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns work in the ring and on the mic has been much better of late

Forget the fact it took so long for fans to accept him as a champion and the potential new face of the company. By taking Reigns out of the main event picture and putting him in a program with an anti-American performer in Rusev, WWE has finally gotten Reigns to the place he belongs.

There is a lot to like in his performance in the ring and his work in front of the camera in interviews is getting better. I suspect 2017 could see him march back toward the top of the mountain, this time with the fans’ support.

#5 Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler sells a match better than anyone else on WWE’s roster

Like the old Carly Simon song goes – nobody does it better. No one sells a match like the current Intercontinental Champion and no one deserves a run as the WWE World Champion like Ziggler does. But the company has done that twice before – with mixed results.

Look for Ziggler to help solidify the mid-card on the blue brand and remain on the fringe of the main event. I would love to see a program where Ziggler either moves toward Bray Wyatt or Randy Orton. That would be a solid move for the blue brand.

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