4 WWE Superstars who have had 100+ day reigns with five different championships

Kofi Kingston has joined a very elite club!
Kofi Kingston has joined a very elite club!

Just this week, Kofi Kingston joined a very exclusive club, having broken the 100-day mark for his current WWE Championship reign.

Kingston won the top belt of the Blue brand when he defeated Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 35 back in April. Just last month, Kofi hit a milestone - 1,500 days all in as a champion of some sort - but now the New Day man has hit another, and joined just three other Superstars in the process.

Holding one belt for 100 days is a massive feat, but holding five for 100 days each is a statistic that's definitely worth mentioning - particularly when 500 days in any given career is a pretty substantial amount of time to be carrying gold - and that's the bare minimum for these four!

But who else has achieved such a feat? Well, we're running down the list!

#4 Kofi Kingston

Kingston is killing it!
Kingston is killing it!

So, starting off our list, it could only be the most recent addition. The man of the moment - Kofi Kingston.

In winning the WWE Championship, Kingston became a Grand Slam Champion - but the records keep tumbling. In defeating Samoa Joe in his title defense at Extreme Rules, the Ghanaian-born Superstar ensured a title reign of at least 100 days - a feat he's managed with four other championships.

Kingston has not only held the top title for 100+ days, but he's also recorded that record with the Intercontinental, United States, WWE RAW Tag Team and WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championships, putting him in an elite club with some pretty unique company.

In 11 years, Kofi Kingston has been a WWE Superstar for quite a long time - over 4,000 days - but spending over 500 of those, and actually treble that number in his case, is a supreme feat. Kingston has actually held gold for more than one-third of his time as a WWE Superstar.

#3 The Miz

The Miz is also a member of the club
The Miz is also a member of the club

Now, when you think of The Miz, that white strap isn't ever too far from the next thought.

Of course, The Miz is an eight-time Intercontinental Champion, so it should come as no surprise that he's held the belt for more than 100 days. In fact, the Grand Slam Champion also had the same distinction as Kofi Kingston - 100 days as champion with five different belts!

The A-Lister also held the WWE Championship for over 100 days, as well as the United States Championship, the WWE Tag Team Championships, and the WWE World Tag Team Championships.

The Miz might not be holding any titles at the moment, but he's no stranger to gold - and seemingly just gets better and better in the ring and on the mic - so you wouldn't bet against another 100-day reign on the horizon for The Miz at some point!

#2 Sheamus

Sheamus has had an impressive run
Sheamus has had an impressive run

Now, one of the biggest credits you can give to Sheamus has to be that you sometimes forget just how decorated he is.

That's no knock on the Celtic Warrior - but his recent tag team exploits were so impressive and substantial, you almost forget that the Irishman had an entire singles career that anyone would be proud of previous to being one half of The Bar.

The Celtic Warrior rocks into our list of Superstars with five separate 100-day reigns with different titles - unsurprisingly holding both the RAW and SmackDown Tag Team Championships for over 100 days each, but also with the United States Championship, the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship rounding off the list!

Meanwhile, it's been quite a time since we've seen Sheamus with rumors rife of possible retirement. We hope that's not the case, but the Celtic Warrior has definitely led an incredible in-ring career regardless.

#1 Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy tops the list!
Matt Hardy tops the list!


Now, this one might come as a bit of a surprise, but the Broken One is our final Superstar with five 100-day reigns across different Championships.

Matt Hardy may have never won the top title in WWE, but his haul of gold is incredibly impressive nonetheless.

Hardy has held the ECW Championship, the Cruiserweight Championship, the European Championship, the WWE Tag Team Championships and the WWE World Tag Team Championships all for 100 days each.

Matt Hardy seemingly retired last year but has since returned. With brother Jeff Hardy currently rehabilitating a leg injury, though, Matt has been in limbo. Could The Broken One get another 100-day reign to make it six? Well, you could never bet against it but he most definitely is the surprise package in this list - but a well-deserved member.

Did anyone on this list surprise you? Let us know in the comments.