4 things missing in WWE from Attitude Era

The stars of Attitude Era

Most of the kids born in the 1990’s grew up watching WWE and its no secret that the best of the WWE came in the Attitude Era. It was an era of bold, fearless, unpredictable and entertaining wrestling. It was something we all loved about it.

Most of our favorite wrestlers came from this era, be it The Rock, Goldberg, Brock Lesner, Stone Cold or any other. It is really sad to know that the most entertaining show of our childhood has turned into a boring and predictable show now.

There are several reasons for this downfall, we have tried to summarize it in 4 points.

Poor Storylines

Looks like WWE Creative needs to take some Booty O’s

One of the major reason behind the downfall of WWE has been its poor storylines. The storylines has been very boring and predictable. Most of the feuds in the recent time has hardly had any sense. They have been missing a proper reason for the build-up and the way they have shaped up some of the feuds has been questionable. They have been repeating few feuds time and again which seems to be quite boring.

Since its last PPV was Wrestlemania 32, lets check out some of the matches and their results.

  1. We had AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho which was won by Chris Jericho. The next day, AJ Styles becomes the no. 1 contender for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. If the WWE team was planning to push AJ in the WWE Championship scenario, they should have made AJ look stronger by getting him a win at WM32.
  2. We had Shane vs The Undertaker in the same night, there was no doubt that this was the best match of the night, but again the question is that if they wanted Shane to lose the match than what was the purpose to bring Shane back. Guess what, he loses the match at WM32 and the next night, he was made a temporary General Manager of Raw for that night. How in the world does that make sense??

We had the best of feuds in the Attitude Era, be it Kane vs The Undertaker, Rock vs Stone Cold, Vince vs Shane or any other. It is hard to believe that this is the same WWE that is coming up with these storylines.

Lack of Options

WWE struggles with a depleted talent roster

Yes, the writing has been poor off-late but we need to agree that there hands has been tied up due to lack of options. The attitude era consisted of some of the biggest names of WWE history. The writer had the luxury to come up with different feuds, different storylines and sometimes, even a normal storyline used to turn up into a great storyline because of the talent WWE possesed at that point of time.

There were so many championship belts and all of them were valued a lot mainly because of the standard of wrestler that was holding them. Currently, WWE are lacking the talent they possesed during the Attitude Era. They hardly have few wrestlers who can turn the crowd on, that is why the WWE are forced to bring The Rock & Brock Lesner again and again.

Poor Build-up

Even WrestleMania struggled from a poor build-up

WWE doesnot have many main event wrestlers in the roster right now and the thing that does not have helped them is the poor build-up the young wrestlers are getting. There are several wrestlers in the WWE right now who deservs to be the main event wrestlers but due to the poor storylines, they have looked like a mid-card wrestler.

Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, Bray Wyatt, Sheamus, Rusev are few wrestlers who could have been a constant in the main event superstars list but due to the poor build-up they have got, they have to settle as a mid-card wrestler which is quite sad to see.


Predictability has been the major thorn in WWE’s rise

Unpredictibility was one reason that made WWE exciting during the Attitude Era and predictibility is the reason that has made WWE boring now. We hardly see anything in WWE that we did not predict. It looks like a daily soap which we have been so used to that we know exactly what is going to happen next.

Surprise returns, shocking heel turns, double-crossing were a regular member of WWE in Attitude Era, well we hardly get to see anything like this now. Yes, there have been a few but they have been too little in numbers and a bit predictable as well.

One of the example being Roman Reigns winning the Championship at WM32, well we predicted it last year itself.