4 of WWE's recent major missed opportunities 

Enzo Amore and The Miz
Enzo Amore and The Miz

From The Miz to Dolph Ziggler, where has the WWE gone wrong in recent months?

When the Brand Split 2.0 was implemented by WWE a year ago, the main premise was it was needed to ensure that they drew eyes to their individual primetime shows - RAW and Smackdown, and subsequently provide airtime for the plethora of talent that the company had accumulated and who were underutilised.

The idea was to force fans to watch the respective shows as talent would be dedicated to their individual brands. If you wanted to watch your favourite wrestler you would have to watch the show he was on.

In theory, this should have allowed existing talent to emerge from the shadows, given the larger TV time and slots for talent. But the WWE creative team has failed to seize the opportunities that have presented themselves and exploit the talent they have at their disposal.

#1 Dolph Ziggler

Dolph ZigglerIs Dolph the most underutilised talent in the WWE?

No one has ever doubted The Showoff's in-ring abilities and moving him to Smackdown and the "land of opportunities" -- as the brand is nicknamed -- should have elevated him to the main event scene, but can you remember the last time that Ziggler actually won a feud?

His current story arch has seen him turn into a confused heel mimicking the entrances of classic WWE Superstars, whilst berating the crowd for their indifference to his talent.

It seems that the powers that be in the WWE are you trying to bury this man. He has charisma, talent and is a darling of the Internet Wrestling Community. Given a solid run and storyline, Ziggler could catapult himself into the main event scene and convincingly play a face or a heel.

#2 Bayley

Bayley the next John Cena?
Bayley the next John Cena?

Bayley was a monster on NXT. Her merchandise sales were through the roof and she had won the key children's market, which WWE puts massive stock in. Her arrival to RAW was one of the most anticipated call-ups of recent times, but unfortunately, creative were unable to provide Bayley the platform to demonstrate her considerable talents.

Rather than hot feuds with the likes of Sasha Banks or Nia Jax, she lost more bouts than she won and was on the end of Nia Jax squash jobs way too often for her character to transcend the NXT boundaries and solidify into a top talent on RAW.

I still believe she is a long-term, top draw for the WWE, but they need to move sooner rather than later if they want a John Cena like figure to emerge in the women's division.

#3 Enzo Amore & Big Cass

Enzo on the mike!
Enzo on the mike!

Enzo and Big Cass played out a two-month "split/bestie break-up" storyline, but this was extremely premature. The pair, who were hugely over as a tag team, failed to win even one of the two tag titles on offer.

The breakup storyline seemed extremely shallow, lacking the depth that a pre-longed run with either title would have brought to the pair. Their ability to build the story of brotherhood would have made the split more poignant and impactful.

It will be very interesting to see whether or not Enzo can now excel as the Cruiserweight champion and carve out a meaningful solo career without the presence of his oversized bestie.

#4 The Miz

Intercontinental Champion "The Miz"

The Miz has had one of the most phenomenal 12 months of any Superstar in the WWE. His ability to carry a storyline personified by his mastery of the microphone has been unparalleled within the organisation.

Whilst he has brought credibility to the Intercontinental Championship it is verging on a crime that he has only held a world championship once in his career, not to mention in this most recent run.

WWE dropping the ball with The Miz was highlighted with the mixed tag team that we forced to endure at this year's WrestleMania. Given his work rate and the quality of work he had put in through the year, it would have only been fair to provide him with a platform to shine at the "Showcase of the Immortals".

Miz has the ability to become one of the greatest heels in the history of the organisation and industry. Whilst at this stage it is premature to compare him to the likes of Ric Flair, I really do believe given supportive creative direction, his is a character that could be developed and complement any of the WWE competitors he may be asked to pair with.

I only hope that if Daniel Bryan has one more fight left in him that it is against The Miz. This storyline has been teased so often by the WWE and would provide a fitting end to Bryan's career and the push that The Miz could use to finally grasp that main event position that should have already arrived.