3 WWE Superstars that need to turn heel in 2019

Always better off as a heel
Always better off as a heel

The persona a wrestler portrays in the ring is an important ingredient to the success of the wrestler. History has shown us how a change of character can make or break superstars. Look at Dwayne Johnson. He was introduced as Rocky Maivia, a clean-cut babyface when he first arrived in the WWE. The audience did not get behind him and he failed miserably, only to return as a "The Rock".

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We all know how that worked out for him. Becky Lynch was caught up in "The Irish Lass Kicker" babyface gimmick and was struggling until she snapped and turned on the fans. She is now at the top of the women's division on Smackdown Live, and is labelled as "The Man". Here are 3 superstars who need to turn heel in 2019 in order to make an impact.

#1. Bobby Roode

Roode needs to turn heel
Roode needs to turn heel

Bobby Roode is currently the Raw Tag Team Champion alongside Chad Gable. However, there is no denying how much Roode can do on his own, provided he turns heel. WWE needs to learn from his TNA run, how successful he was as a cocky heel. Him turning on his Beer Money partner James Storm was a successful story told, followed by his TNA World Championship run. Roode also gained success as a heel back in NXT.

However, since he debuted on Smackdown Live as a face, it never seemed like WWE had any big plans for him. Caught in lacklustre storylines, he was given a short United States title run, which ended at merely 54 days after he lost the title to Randy Orton. Since then, he has been caught up in the mid-card, and his tag team with Chad Gable doesn't look very promising. His gimmick, "The Glorious One", with his flashy robes and his entrance, all shout heel.

He deserves to be in contention for a singles title, not the tag team titles. Maybe Roode and Gable could drop the Tag Titles to The Revival, only for Roode to brutally attack Gable. He could bring back the narcissistic heel gimmick by declaring himself better than not only Gable but the entire WWE Universe. WWE needs to start utilizing his potential as a heel. If his character is played out well, he could have a successful singles run in the WWE.

#2. Bayley

Bayley's Main Roster run has been Lackluster
Bayley's Main Roster run has been Lackluster

Bayley's character is a prime example of a gimmick which works well with the small NXT crowd but is not scalable for the main roster. Her cuddly fan-girl persona became stale a long time ago. She has been involved in an on-and-off on-screen relationship with Sasha Banks and been a part of meaningless multi-woman tag team bouts for a long period of time now. Her character has not seen any growth since she debuted on the main roster, and it has hurt her popularity incredibly.

'The Huggable One" needs to learn from "The Man" Becky Lynch and join the dark side, as it is the only way for her to reach the top of the mountain again. When she first arrived on the scene in NXT, she used to wear a mask. Maybe she could dawn the mask again to become the secret attacked of current Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey. Nobody would expect her to be under the mask, and it could develop into an interesting storyline.

#3. Big E

Big E as part of The New Day
Big E as part of The New Day

For years, we have come to believe that Big E will be the one out of The New Day members who will ultimately break out and go on to become a successful singles star. He has the personality, the charisma, the size, the strength, everything it takes to be successful in the WWE.

At this point in his career, I believe that The New Day is just holding him back, and him turning his back on his best friends could pave way for a new direction in his career.

Big E was first introduced as a bodyguard to Dolph Ziggler and he played that role to perfection. He then became a singles competitor as a babyface which did not work out. WWE needs to learn from its mistakes. If they need Big E to break out, it needs to happen in 2019, and it needs to be as a heel.