3 WWE Superstars CM Punk is friends with in real life and 3 he dislikes

Brock Lesnar and CM Punk with Paul Heyman
Brock Lesnar and CM Punk with Paul Heyman

Regardless of what you think about CM Punk, he's one of the best to ever foot inside the squared circle and he fought every step of the way to get there. Yes, he did fail in the UFC, but the fact that he had the guts to give it a shot at that stage of his career says something about his character in itself.

CM Punk bows down to no one. He was at the top of his game when he left the WWE and few in his position would have done so in that manner.

Punk takes no nonsense from anyone and today we take a look at who he got along within WWE and those he probably didn't.

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#3 LIKES - Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar
Brock Lesnar

Even though it may seem a little hard to believe at first but Brock Lesnar and CM Punk are actually friends and they also have a healthy respect for each other's work and achievements. They two have wrestled each other a number of times and it was easy to tell from the way Lesnar sold during the match, that he was giving it his all.

This mutual respect was cemented when former UFC Heavyweight Champion, Brock Lesnar, sent CM Punk a message of good luck before the latter's debut inside the Octagon.

#3 DISLIKES - Ryback


The fact that CM Punk does NOT like former WWE Superstar Ryback is well known from Punk's comments on The Big Guy on Colt Cabana's podcast. Punk called out Ryback and said:

"I'm already beat up and I have to wrestle 'Steroid Guy' and he's very... I call it like I see it. He's very hurty. Sometimes deliberate. There was one time he kicked me in the stomach as hard as he could and he broke my ribs, right at the tail end. And I never got an apology for that. He was something else. A real piece of work, that guy."

We have no idea if CM Punk's allegations are true or not but it is clear that Punk has no love for the former WWE Intercontinental Champion.

#2 LIKES - Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon
Vince McMahon

Despite what you may think, especially because of Punk's unceremonious departure from WWE, Punk has always had a healthy respect for Mr. McMahon and his main problems were with Triple H.

This was evident from what Punk told us about the day he walked out of WWE during that fateful RAW taping. Punk said that before he left, he went to say goodbye to Vince McMahon, who was in tears as Punk hugged him.

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#2 DISLIKES - Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy
Jeff Hardy

Oh man, remember this one? After Jeff Hardy's departure from WWE, he and Matt Hardy posted that infamous shoot video where Jeff Hardy took multiple shots at Punk, calling his straight edge life a lie while also taking credit for helping turn CM Punk into a Superstar. Hardy also called Punk a "nerd" for some reason.

If you've never seen the video, you can check it out below:


#1 LIKES - Paul Heyman

Paul Heyman and Punk
Paul Heyman and Punk

CM Punk and Paul Heyman's relationship go way back to 2005 when both men were in Ohio Valley Wrestling. Although not many people in developmental at the time thought that Punk had what it would take to make it in WWE, Heyman always believed in him and brought him up to WWE's version of ECW.

Despite Heyman's departure after December To Dismember, Punk continued his rise through WWE and the two were paired together again in 2014 after Heyman's 2012 return.

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#1 DISLIKES - Triple H

Triple H and Punk
Triple H and Punk

Triple H and CM Punk haven't always disliked each other. Their problems stem from the Summer of 2011 when Punk was the hottest act in the company.

However, at this point, Triple H put himself into the "Summer of Punk" storyline and faced him at Night of Champions. Punk lost the match and later spoke about this in an interview saying that it was one of the many reasons why he'd decided to leave.