Fantasy Booking: 3 reasons why Finn Balor versus Aleister Black must happen at SummerSlam

Indeed a dream match
Indeed a dream match

Finn Balor and Aleister Black are two of the most dominant performers on the WWE roster. With the skills in the ring and on the mic, they are the perfect wrestlers that the fans love. It's no secret that the Irish Young Gun has showcased his skill between the ropes and impressed the fans to such a level that The Balor Club believes in their leader.

Aleister Black was one of the biggest names in NXT, and since moving to the main roster, he has shown great skills. Although he hasn't got time in the ring since moving to Smackdown Live, his promos have been compelling. The Harbinger of Fury was a force to be reckoned with when he teamed with Ricochet.

While this may be the way these two have been since moving to the roster, I think these two need to square off between the ropes at Summerslam, the biggest party of the summer, and here are the reasons why:

#3 Their in-ring skills

Championship Quality
Championship Quality

It shouldn't shock anyone that these are two of the best between the ropes. While they haven't faced each other, they can run through competition and create compelling matches. The talent that they have inside the squared circle is unparalleled, and the fact that they can bring the most amazing competition to life is an understatement.

These two fighting between the ropes will be a treat for a wrestling fan who likes a good competition. The matches or fight between promos will be a moment to cherish for all fans of the company and its programming.

An in-ring fight isn't the only reason why these two need to step between the ropes, but the next reason also takes center stage which is as important as the one mentioned in this article above.

#2 Drop in Ratings

No Rise, Only fall
No Rise, Only fall

Smackdown hasn't seen the best of days in ratings as the reports from 14th and 21st May show state that the company hasn't enticed fans to tune in to their weekly show.

As reported by Sportskeeda, the 14th May show didn't get a lot of fans, and last night Cagesideseats reported that while the numbers plunged, they didn't cross the 2 Million mark. This confirms that despite the action in the ring, the fans are not buying into the same matches and same performers week in and out.

It is about time that the company looks at some incredible options, and this is definitely the most important one. Also, it adds credibility to the next point. The WWE Universe is more invested in the program, and if they don't get what they deserve, the results are bad numbers at the end of the day.

#1 New Possibilities

New Possibilities
New Possibilities

No one likes the same thing over and over, and it also applies to the current matches on the roster. While the company does everything in its capacity to bring about the best from every wrestler, they do miss out on some of them in the process. Finn and Aleister have never feuded with each other, and while that may shock a lot, it is also a treasure that hasn't been revealed yet.

If the company decides to bring them against each other, there will be sheer entertainment for the wrestlers and the fans because they can and will tear the house down. Their in-ring prowess and the fact that this will be a fresh match speaks volumes about it. The company loves surprising fans, and the WWE Universe also loves it, so it's a win-win for both.

Is there any other reason that you can think of? Chime in.