WWE 205 Live Results (November 6th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

The Brian Kendrick's proteges brawl; 205 Live OGs go to war
The Brian Kendrick's proteges brawl; 205 Live OGs go to war

205 Live is close to its 205th episode, and that means that we'll get a special announcement regarding the NXT Cruiserweight Championship tonight. Six of the Purple Brand's top stars battled on tonight, looking to build momentum towards, hopefully, some kind of shot at Santos Escobar.

The main event featured August Grey and Curt Stallion, who took on 205 Live OGs Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese. The latter have been making the Land of the Cruiserweights a bit tough for the newcomers, and Stallion and Grey hoped to shut them up once and for all tonight.

We kicked tonight's show off with a showdown between two of Brian Kendrick's disciples. Kendrick has been working with both Ashante "Thee" Adonis and Mansoor in recent months, and has been a mentor to them as of late. He's even gone so far as to turn Adonis' attitude around, though Mansoor wasn't too sure about it.

Ashante "Thee" Adonis vs Mansoor on 205 Live

Ashante "Thee" Adonis tried to shake the hand of Mansoor, but the undefeated 205 Live star didn't believe his new attitude. A hip toss dropped Mansoor, and Adonis got fired up as he tried to earn the respect of his opponent.

Both these Superstars, currently being mentored by 205 Live Original Brian Kendrick, flat out didn't like one another. Adonis planted Mansoor with a flapjack facebuster, following up with a springboard crossbody.

Mansoor knocked Adonis off the top, following that with a dropkick through the bottom rope. He was uncharacteristically aggressive tonight, for some reason. Mansoor was nearly taken out with a front facelock, but Adonis managed to fight back.

Back to his feet, Adonis launched Mansoor up and rocked him with a clothesline that nearly decapitated his opponent. Off the top, he hit a high-angle crossbody. Mansoor countered the pinfall, hoping to keep that 205 Live streak alive.

Mansoor went for Kendrick's Sliced Bread No. 2, but Adonis shook it OFF. Still, Mansoor was able to hit the electric chair death valley driver for the win.

Results: Mansoor defeated Ashante "Thee" Adonis via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: A-

After the match, Mansoor offered his hand. Adonis accepted it, and they left with a new healthy respect for one another.

We saw some footage from earlier in the day where August Gray, formerly Anthony Green and Curt Stallion revealed that they'd be taking on 205 Live Originals Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese in the main event. That match was next.

Gray recently started a feud with NXT's Timothy Thatcher. A win tonight over two veterans could do a lot for his WWE career heading into a rivalry with one of the most aggressive stretchers in the company.

EVOLVE vs 205 Live OGs
EVOLVE vs 205 Live OGs

Next week is the 205th episode of 205 Live. The NXT Cruiserweight Champion Santos Escobar revealed that, for that special night, he'd be giving five 205 Live Superstars an opportunity at his title.

It'll be a Fatal-5-Way between the brand's best and brightest. The winner will earn a shot at Escobar in the near future.

Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese vs August Grey & Curt "The Lonestar" Stallion on 205 Live

Ariya Daivari struggled with the 205 Live newcomers, as Curt Stallion and August Grey focused in on his taped-up left elbow. Several armbreakers from both men left the brawler in serious trouble.

Eventually, Daivari tagged out to Tony Nese, letting the Premier Athlete punish Stallion. Nese dragged Stallion to his corner, cutting The Lonestar off from his partner. When Stallion was able to get to Grey, though, his partner came in like a house on fire.

That is until Daivari distracted him. Nese hung Grey's neck up on the top rope, setting up for the triangle moonsault. Daivari went for the pin, but couldn't secure the win. The Persian Lion of 205 Live and the former Cruiserweight Champion worked over Grey.

Nese struggled to keep Grey at bay, tagging in Daivari Dinero to weaken the former EVOLVE talent. Grey and Daivari traded right hands, with Daivari dropping Gray with a drop toe hold, dragging him back to Nese.

The Premier Athlete locked Grey in the body scissors, but couldn't hold it for long. Grey fought back, hammering Nese with a series of elbows. A reverse bearhug slowed Grey down, but he responded with a back suplex, launching Nese onto his face.

Daivari and Stallion tagged in, with Stallion spiking Daivari with a snap German suplex. A running boot, running knee, and running dropkick combination set Stallion up for his feet trapping DDT. Daivari kicked out at two.

Nese broke another pinfall up when Grey tagged in, and the 205 Live Originals set up for a double team maneuver. Grey escaped, fighting back against Daivari and Nese. A knee dazed Nese, and Daivari was sent to the floor where Stallion hit a bullet-quick suicide dive.

Grey was spiked with a sunset driver, but Stallion broke up the pin. Daivari pulled Stallion out and sent him into the steel steps. Daivari pulled out a gold chain, and when the ref couldn't see, struck Grey across the head. Nese picked up the pieces, and the win.

Results: Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari defeated Austin Grey and Curt Stallion via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: B