205 Live Results (May 21, 2019): An injury forces the GM's hand, Fatal-5-Way gets bloody

Five of 205 Live's best competitors faced off in a
Five of 205 Live's best competitors faced off in a "Cruiserweight Showcase"

At Money in the Bank, Tony Nese faced off against, possibly, the greatest threat to his title reign in Ariya Daivari. The Premier Athlete successfully defended the Cruiserweight Championship against his former ally after a devastating Running Kneese. With Daivari defeated, the Cruiserweights were dying to see who would be next to challenge Nese.

Daivari is not out of the picture completely, though. A Fatal-5-Way would main event tonight's episode, featuring Daivari, Mike Bennett, Oney Lorcan, The Brian Kendrick, and Akira Tozawa would certainly earn one of the participants a shot at the belt. However, tonight we started off with tag team action, as the Singh Brothers faced off against Lucha House Party.

The Singhs came out and claimed that LHP were too banged up from Lars Sullivan's beatdown to compete tonight. They asked the ref to start the 10-count, but Drake Maverick came out to spoil their good time. While LHP were injured and weren't cleared to compete tonight, another tag team would take their place.

The Singh Brothers vs Jack Gallagher & Humberto Carrillo

The Singhs found some unexpected competition tonight
The Singhs found some unexpected competition tonight

Carrillo started off the match with Sunil Singh, who was painted across the face with a spinning heel kick. Gallagher tagged in after a springboard crossbody from Carrillo, taking over by placing Sunil in a wrist lock. Sunil broke out, but was tied up in a ball by Gallagher, who then tagged in Carrillo for an assisted springboard arm drag. Sunil kicked out at two.

Sunil brought Carrillo into his corner, finally tagging in his brother Samir. The Singh Brothers then tagged in and out beating Carrillo down with punches and kicks before taking him overhead with a double suplex. Samir went for the pin but Carrillo broke out at two.

Carrillo fought out of a headlock, but was taken down with a dropkick coming off the ropes. Sunil tagged in and continued with a diving double axe handle. Carrillo tried to roll Sunil up after he taunted the crowd, but Sunil broke out.

Samir tagged in, continuing to pound their opponent into the mat. Carrillo finally made it to Gallagher after sending Samir chest first into the turnbuckle.

Gallagher leveled Samir and Sunil with a pair of strong right hands. Gallagher connected with a stalling vertical suplex, and when Samir kicked out, he locked in a single Boston crab.

Samir tagged Sunil in while in the hold, allowing his brother to strike Gallagher from behind with a clothesline. Gallagher suffered a lot of punishment, but escaped a double suplex attempt, tagging in Carrillo, who pinned Samir Singh with the Aztec Press.

Results: Humberto Carrillo & Jack Gallagher defeated the Singh Brothers via pinfall.

The Brian Kendrick was mere moments away from victory tonight
The Brian Kendrick was mere moments away from victory tonight

Prior to the main event, the commentary team addressed the situation with Drew Gulak, who hadn't been seen on 205 Live since being sent packing by Jack Gallagher and Humberto Carrillo weeks ago. A recent cryptic Instagram post left many wondering what his next step was.

Fatal-5-Way: Akira Tozawa vs Mike Kanellis vs The Brian Kendrick vs Oney Lorcan vs Ariya Daivari

Tony Nese looked on to see who may challenge him next
Tony Nese looked on to see who may challenge him next

An early ring clearing brawl left Tozawa and Kendrick in the ring. They squared up only to meat the other three competitors one at a time, sending them all back outside with a trio of suplexes. Kendrick tried to shake Tozawa's hand, but he was denied. Before they could go after each other, Kanellis and Daivari took them out. Kanellis focused on Kendrick while Daivari targeted Tozawa, with both men sending Lorcan to the outside whenever he tried to interfere.

Lorcan finally got some offense in, sending Kanellis outside and delivering some nasty chops to Daivari's chest. Lorcan followed up with a suicide dive, but was struck mid dive with an elbow. Daivari launched him into the barricade. Back inside, he set his sights on Tozawa as Kendrick rolled out to the floor. Tozawa fought back, striking Daivari with chops and a delayed right jab.

Tozawa set up for the top rope Senton Splash. Daivari blocked it, and took out Lorcan who tried to interupt him. Daivari then launched Tozawa onto Lorcan, taking them both out and immediately taking on a returning Brian Kendrick. Kendrick managed to lock in the Captain's Hook, but Lorcan pulled him off, going for the Half-and-Half suplex. Kendrick escaped and locked in the Captain's Hook again. Mike Kanellis raked the face and broke the hold.

Kanellis tossed Kendrick into Lorcan, who leveled him with an elbow, but was immediately met with a superkick from Kanellis. Lorcan kicked out of a pinfall, and the two men made it back to their feet where they traded chops. Lorcan stunned Kanellis with two uppercuts, but as he bounced off the ropes was met with a rolling spinebuster. Kanellis painted the face of Lorcan, who turned around and caught him by the beard, striking him with several chops to the face. Lorcan then took out Daivari and Tozawa who were trying to get back inside the ring.

A Half-and-Half suplex to Kendrick almost won Lorcan the match, but Kanellis broke it up. Daivari tried to help Kanellis put him away, but Lorcan countered them with a double running blockbuster. Lorcan dove onto them on the outside, and was followed by Tozawa.

Tozawa picked Daivari as the man to bring inside, rolling him in and connecting with a missile dropkick. Daivari attempted to knock him out with the Hammerlock Lariat, but Tozawa countered with a bridging German suplex. Kanellis kicked out.

Tozawa went up for a dive, but Daivari rolled out of the way. Kendrick attempted to go up next but was taken out by Kanellis, who went for a superplex. Lorcan and Tozawa turned it into a Tower of Doom, and Daivari leaped onto Kendrick with the Persian Lion Splash. Kendrick kicked out, much to the dismay of a now bleeding Daivari.

Tozawa sent everyone outside, save for Mike Kanellis. Kanellis was tied up in the Iron Octopus, but Maria's distraction forced Tozawa to break it up. Kanellis rolled him up, only to have the pinfall broken up by Daivari. Daivari rolled up Tozawa with a sunset flip, but he countered with a shining wizard and climbed the turnbuckle. Another Senton Splash attempt was foiled by Daivari, who's ear had exploded with blood. Daivari tried to bring the former champion down with a superplex but Tozawa fought him off, sending him off the top with a facebuster.

Kanellis then dragged Tozawa off the top, bringing him down to the apron. Tozawa fought off his assault and spiked him with a German suplex on the apron, sending him crashing to the ground outside. He then rolled in to continue his war with Daivari.

Daivari and Tozawa traded punches as they made it back to their feet. A missed clothesline allowed Tozawa to connect with a rolling roundhouse kick. The Senton Splash finally connected, but Kendrick broke up the pinfall.

Kendrick again offered the hand, but Tozawa decided to trade blows instead. Both men threw elbow strikes and crashed into each other with a pair of running crossbodies. Tozawa made it back to his feet first, but was still dropped by a Sliced Bread No. 2 from Kendrick. Kendrick was spiked by Kanellis, who was leveled by Lorcan. Lorcan was knocked out with a Hammerlock Lariat from Daivari.

Before he could pin the Star Destroyer, The Stamina Monster Tozawa rolled up Daivari for the win.

Results: Akira Tozawa won via pinfall.

Tony Nese looked on at a screen in the back, applauding Tozawa and the rest of the competitors for their efforts.