205 Live Results: OGs battle for brand dominance; Undefeated streak in jeopardy

205 Live put their undefeated star's record in jeopardy in a phenomenal main event
205 Live put their undefeated star's record in jeopardy in a phenomenal main event

Welcome to another episode of 205 Live, folks. This week, WWE gave us a special treat when it came to the final match of the night.

The main event of 205 Live saw Mansoor put up his 40-0 record against The Lonestar Curt Stallion. After their tag victory last week, they were looking to come up with a tag team name with Josiah Williams backstage when Stallion reminded Mansoor that he'd yet to beat him. Things got heated, forcing Josiah Williams to leave. This would be an epic main event, as Mansoor and Stallion are two of the best Superstars currently on the Purple Brand.

Before that, though, the 205 Live OGs had some business to settle with August Grey and Jake Atlas. Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese, for years now, have gone after the newcomers of the brand, reminding them that the veterans of the brand were always more deserving of their time in the spotlight. Tonight, Grey and Atlas looked to prove once and for all that they deserved to be on 205 Live.

August Grey and Jake Atlas vs. Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese on 205 Live

August Grey looked to face Ariya Daivari in the opening of the match but was instead forced to battle Tony Nese. The Premier Athlete of 205 Live and Daivari Dinero dominated Grey early but couldn't prevent a tag.

Atlas came in like a house on fire, lighting up both of the 205 Live OGs. A big boot stunned Nese, but Daivari sent Atlas off the top while Nese had the ref distracted. Daivari tagged in, hammering Atlas with some nasty strikes.

A running dropkick to a kneeling Atlas nearly knocked his head into the third row. Atlas responded with a discus lariat, but Grey was knocked off the apron before he could tag out. Nese tagged in, wearing Atlas down in the middle of the ring.

Atlas again broke away, finally tagging in one of 205 Live's most exciting newcomers. After rocking Daivari, he turned Nese inside out with a release back suplex. After a four-way brawl, Nese hung Grey up on the top while hitting a dive on Atlas on the floor.

Back inside, Grey avoided the Triangle Moonsault and hit So Much Prettier for another big win over the 205 Live OGs.

Results: August Grey and Jake Atlas defeated Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: B

Mansoor vs. Curt Stallion on 205 Live

Could Curt Stallion finally end the 40-0 205 Live undefeated streak of Mansoor?
Could Curt Stallion finally end the 40-0 205 Live undefeated streak of Mansoor?

In the 205 Live main event, Mansoor put his 40-0 record against Curt Stallion. The former #1 contender attempted to take out Mansoor early with a guillotine, but Mansoor was able to escape, catching Stallion in a hammerlock.

Stallion caught Mansoor with a bridging German suplex and nearly got a quick victory over Mansoor. 205 Live's Lonestar kept up the pressure dropping a big knee on Mansoor's head. Mansoor was able to lose Stallion, rebounding off the ropes with a hellacious clothesline. Stallion escaped another hold and brought Mansoor down with a seated dropkick.

Mansoor's misdirection clothesline was countered this time, with an air raid crash neckbreaker. A running forearm and knee in the corner left Mansoor seriously dazed. The basement dropkick set up for the double foot trapped DDT, this time turning it around mid-move and bouncing Mansoor's skull off the bottom turnbuckle.

Stallion failed to pick up the win, and 205 Live's No. 1 star responded with a double underhook twisting Michinoku Driver. Stallion played possum, and when the opportunity arose, rocked Mansoor with his prized headbutt. Mansoor fell to the floor, where a slingshot crossbody took him out.

Back inside, Stallion went for a body splash. Mansoor lifted his knees up, giving himself just enough time to climb to the top himself. Not enough time to set up a dive, though, as Stallion held him there and pulled his head under the top turnbuckle for a headbutt. At the top, a sky-high inverted Spanish Fly drove Mansoor face-first into the mat.

Somehow, Mansoor was able to get his foot on the rope. Stallion set up for the headbutt but missed and shot himself into the top turnbuckle. Mansoor capitalized with the slingshot neckbreaker for the win.

Results: Mansoor defeated Curt Stallion via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: A

Another hard-fought victory for Mansoor tonight on 205 Live. One has to wonder when he'll get a shot at either of the Cruiserweight Championships, whether it be NXT's Santos Escobar or NXT UK's Jordan Devlin.