205 Live Results: Mansoor's undefeated streak on the line; Jake Atlas seeks revenge 

205 Live delivered an exciting contest in the main event
205 Live delivered an exciting contest in the main event

On 205 Live last week, Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese looked to regain their dominance on the brand. They picked up a win over Bolly-Rise and laid out top 205 Live prospects August Grey and Jake Atlas to close the night.

Tonight, Jake Atlas had a prime opportunity to get revenge on one of those men. The Premier Athlete of 205 Live, Tony Nese, would face Atlas in the main event, delivering the kind of main event match that fans of the brand would have seen back in 2018.

Before that, though, two other bright stars of the cruiserweight division, Mansoor and Ashante "Thee" Adonis faced Bolly-Rise, with Chase Parker and Samir Singh pairing up this week.

Mansoor and Ashante "Thee" Adonis vs Chase Parker and Samir Singh on 205 Live

Samir Singh started things off with the only undefeated Superstar on 205 Live, Mansoor, with both men trading control in the early stages of the bout. Mansoor leaped Samir but was taken over with an arm drag. He responded with an inverted atomic drop and a dropkick, forcing Chase Parker to tag in next.

Ashante "Thee" Adonis, another standout on 205 Live, came in next. Ducking two clotheslines, he caught Parker for a fallaway slam, but Parker escaped at the last second. Bolly-Rise managed to get the upper hand when Singh and Parker sent Adonis crashing to the mat with a double suplex.

An assisted diving back elbow nearly got the win for Bolly-Rise, with Adonis barely kicking out in the nick of time. Parker trapped Adonis in a choke but was dumped to the floor just after tagging out to his partner. Singh failed to cut Adonis off from Mansoor, who came in like a house of fire. Mansoor dropped Singh with an atomic drop, following up with a clothesline.

The bulldog failed to connect as Parker held onto Singh's arm to prevent the follow-up. The Bollywood Blast connected, only for Adonis to break up the pin. A falcon arrow nearly put Singh away. Mansoor and Adonis set up for something but were broken up. Mansoor and Parker brawled to the floor while the Long Kiss Goodnight put Samir Singh to sleep.

Results: Ashante "Thee" Adonis and Mansoor defeated Samir Singh and Chase Parker via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: B+

Jake Atlas and Tony Nese deliver a 205 Live main event worthy of the brand's golden era
Jake Atlas and Tony Nese deliver a 205 Live main event worthy of the brand's golden era

Tony Nese vs Jake Atlas on 205 Live

Prior to the match, 205 Live Superstar Ariya Daivari made his way to the commentary table. Jake Atlas was distracted, allowing Tony Nese to get an early upper hand. A serious series of strikes stunned Atlas.

Atlas responded with a dropkick and ax kick, following up with a neckbreaker that nearly got a surprising win over the Premier Athlete of 205 Live. Nese wasn't down long, blasting Atlas with a spinning back kick to the jaw, almost knocking him out cold. The former Cruiserweight Champion's aggression picked up, with Nese locking Atlas in a cravate for some knee strikes.

Nese felt the fury of Atlas, though, as a diving moonsault to the floor saw Atlas's knees crack Nese on the skull. The 205 Live OG was then rocked with a discus lariat. However, he kicked out. After hanging Atlas up on the top rope, Nese landed a beautiful triangle moonsault, again earning a near fall.

As Atlas moved to the top, the rolling uppercut caught him right on the jaw. Still, Atlas was able to shake it off, spiking Nese with a brainbuster. 205 Live's Daivari Dinero left commentary to distract the referee and sending his gold chain for Nese.

August Grey stole the chain, however, allowing Atlas to roll Nese up for the victory.

Results: Jake Atlas defeated Tony Nese via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: A