205 Live Results (January 3rd, 2020): Cruiserweight Champion returns, a new alliance formed? 

The champ wrestles for the first time since winning the title last month
The champ wrestles for the first time since winning the title last month

After a two-week break, the Purple Brand returned to the WWE Network. Near the end of last year, Angel Garza picked up the Cruiserweight Championship. Tonight, he'll face the Premier Athlete, Tony Nese, in a non-title match.

We kicked off the night with the Guvnor, Danny Burch, looking to start his year off with a big victory over Daivari Dinero himself, Ariya Daivari.

Danny Burch vs Ariya Daivari

Burch controlled the early stage of the match, trapping Daivari in a long-standing wrist lock. He transitioned to a smashmouth style, stomping on Daivari's hands and dropping him face-first when releasing an elevated face lock.

Daivari went up for a cross body but was caught, with Burch countering into a flapjack style face buster. Burch lost the upper hand when Daivari tripped him up as he ascended the second rope, sending Burch crashing onto his back on the mat.

Daivari took the fight to ring side, launching him into the barricade, then brought him back inside for further punishment. A wicked rising knee nearly knocked Burch's block off. Daivari teased Memphis's own Jerry Lawler, mocking his second rope fist drop. Burch lifted his feet, connecting with the jaw, and dropped Daivari with a belly-to-back suplex.

Burch lit up Daivari with several elbow strikes and nearly put him away with a headbutt. Daivari then escaped a crossface attempt and dropped Burch with a top rope double arm drag. Burch kicked out.

Daivari was trapped in the crossface again, but the referee was distracted by a masked fan. Burch was leveled with the hammerlock lariat after a low blow, giving Daivari a much needed win.

Result: Ariya Daivari defeated Danny Burch via pinfall.

The masked man revealed himself to be The Brian Kendrick, who claimed to be the best thing to ever happen to the Cruiserweight division. After deliveringa Sliced Bread No. 2 to Burch, he locked eyes with Daivari, possibly setting up a team of 205 Live OGs.

The Singh Brothers vs Corey Storm & Anthony Wayne

Angel Garza's at the top of the world
Angel Garza's at the top of the world

The Singh Brothers absolutely demolished Corey Storm, but Anthony Wayne got a surprising amount of offense in. However, after a spinning heel kick from Sunil Singh, he was knocked out cold.

A superkick ended Storm's night, and the Bollywood Blast put Wayne away.

Results: The Singh Brothers defeated Anthony Wayne & Corey Storm via pinfall.

Tony Nese had a frustrating second half of 2019. Though he captured the Cruiserweight Championship at WrestleMania, his reign was overshadowed by the dominant victory of Drew Gulak a few months later, followed by a short but impressive reign by Lio Rush. Tonight, he hoped to prove that he deserved to still be in the title picture.

Tony Nese vs Angel Garza

Angel Garza toyed with Nese, rolling in and out of the ring and teasing the fans. Back on the inside, Nese nearly picked up a win with a schoolboy. Garza offered his hand, but Nese denied, wiping his body oil and sweat off on Garza instead.

Nese took Garza to the canvas with a mat slam before we saw a flex off between the two. Clearly, Nese won there. This led to a show of strength between the two, which ended with a springboard arm drag from the Cruiserweight Champion.

Garza baited Nese into a trap, tripping Nese up and sending him into the steps outside. Nese was placed in the tree of woe for a penalty kick, but the Premier Athlete went to the ropes before Garza could get a two count.

Nese was planted on the mat for a big splash, but he caught Garza climbing, sending him crashing into the ring post. Garza escaped a body scissors only to be clocked with a spinning back kick, nearly sending his head into the fifth row.

Garza kicked out, leading to superkicks from both men, leaving them out on the mat. Back to their feet, a trade of chops saw Garza pick up momentum, launching Nese overhead with another springboard arm drag. He tore his tights off, sending them into Nese's face to disguise a superkick. Nese kicked out.

As Garza moved to the top, Nese rocked him with a rolling palm strike. A super hurricanrana earned him a near fall. Garza was set up for the Running Nese, but he caught Nese's leg, setting up another striking trade. Nese countered a Wing Clipper with a northern lights suplex. Transitioning into the Boston crab, Garza had to fight halfway across the ring to get to the ropes.

A German suplex gave Nese another near fall. Garza rolled outside but was met by the Fosbury Flop. Nese's springboard moonsault was countered, though, and Garza caught him with the Wing Clipper for the win.

Result: Angel Garza defeated Tony Nese via pinfall.