205 Live Results (February 5th, 2021): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

The 205 Live OGs run roughshod.
The 205 Live OGs run roughshod.

No Dusty Cup this week, it's all 205 Live cruiserweight action. Our main event featured two of the young studs on the roster, August Grey and Jake Atlas, in a fantastic match up. These two have been regular highlights of the Purple Brand prior to the Dusty Cup matches taking over Friday nights, and were back tonight to prove why that was the case.

We kicked off the night with an odd tag team bout. The 205 Live OGs had been having issues with Ever-Rise and The Bollywood Boyz for months now, leading to a truce between Ever-Rise and The Singh Brothers. Tonight, they united to put Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari away.

Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari vs Matt Martel and Sunil Singh on 205 Live

Sunil Singh worked over the former top dawg of 205 Live, but Nese managed to turn things around when Matt Martel tagged in. Both teams traded the upper hand, ending with Daivari sending Martel into Singh.

From here, the 205 Live veterans dominated the bout. Singh was left in no man's land for what felt like years for the Bollywood dancing bad boy, but he finally managed to get to Ever-Rise's Martel. Martel ran in like a house on fire, taking out both Nese and Daivari. A DDT spiked Daivari for a two-count.

Singh hit a pin point diving elbow drop that would've gotten the win had Nese not broken it up. Daivari escaped a double suplex attempt after Nese saved him once again, and planted Singh with a reverse DDT.

Matt Martel managed to roll Daivari up, but the ref was distracted, allowing Nese to hit a running knee or the victory.

Results: Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese defeated Matt Martel and Sunil Singh on 205 Live.

Grade: C

After the match, Ever-Rise and the Bollywood Boyz began to argue again, and their truce seemingly broke down.

205 Live gave the WWE Universe a great showcase for these two young studs
205 Live gave the WWE Universe a great showcase for these two young studs

Jake Atlas vs August Grey on 205 Live

In the 205 Live main event were two of the Purple Brand's brightest young Superstars. August Grey and Jake Atlas traded the upper hand, with both competitors locking in various holds in an attempt to gain a slight advantage.

Grey's bodyslam was countered by Atlas, who pulled Grey though with a cravate hold. Grey fought out of the hold after a few minutes but was then taken down with a backslide pin for a two-count. Both were tired of the wrestling at this point and were ready for a fight. Atlas won the war of blows, rocking Grey with an ax kick. A neckbreaker dropped Grey for a near fall.

The aggression picked up on 205 Live, with Grey and Atlas trading chops and rights. A big boot nearly knocked Grey's nose off, and Atlas followed up with a series of roundhouse and a standing moonsault. Grey managed to break away, but was unable to escape the flurry. Uppercuts, German suplexes and more left Grey always on his backfoot.

A discus clothesline rocked Grey for another close call. Grey managed to get a surprising upset, though, hitting Atlas with a top rope crossbody.

Results: August Grey defeated Jake Atlas via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: B

After the match, Grey and Atlas were attacked by the 205 Live OGs Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese. Daivari laid out Grey with his Hammerlock Lariat while Atlas was tossed into the steps by the Premier Athlete.