205 Live Results (February 14th, 2020): Surprising return of a disgruntled star, extreme match set for next week 

One (Oney) Two (Burch) are on a roll!
One (Oney) Two (Burch) are on a roll!

The Brian Kendrick and Ariya Daivari have been trying to "take back" 205 Live from the invading force of NXT and NXT UK Superstars. Their recent targets? Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch.

The hard-hitting team has been a thorn in their side for months now, and their feud reached a boiling point tonight. First, though, Lorcan & Burch faced the Singh Brothers.

The Canadian crowd showed a lot of love for the Singh Brothers. "Bolly Bolly" signs and "You deserve it" chants. Since the brothers don't understand cheers, they immediately ruined it by turning their backs on Canada. Vancouver, specifically.

The Singh Brothers vs One-Two (Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch)

Burch launched Sunil Singh into the apron while Lorcan hammered Samir with mounted punches in the corner. Sunil was able to send Burch into the steps, which distracted Oney, allowing Samir to get back in the bout.

The Singh Brothers kept Oney Lorcan away from his corner, dividing the ring and keeping the Star Destroyer trapped with a headlock. Eventually, Lorcan was able to fight out of the corner of the Singhs, tagging in the Guvnor.

Burch's offense was immediately haunted when the brothers hit double superkicks on their opponents. The Singh Brothers nearly got the win, but Lorcan broke up the pinfall. Burch hit Sunil with a missile dropkick and tagged in Lorcan for the elevated implant DDT.

Results: One-Two defeated the Singh Brothers via pinfall.

After the bout, Ariya Daivari and The Brian Kendrick distracted Lorcan & Burch, allowing the Singhs to attack them from behind. Kendrick and Daivari followed suit. The Singh Brothers left just as Kendrick and Daivari battered Burch & Lorcan with steel chairs.

Will we be seeing a new union between Daivari & Kendrick and the Singh Brothers in the near future?

Welcome back! Welcome back!
Welcome back! Welcome back!

As we came back from the break, The Brian Kendrick and Ariya Daivari were still in the ring. Kendrick said he was surprised at the gumption he saw tonight in the Singh Brothers. Samir and Sunil were brave and honorable. Because of that, Kendrick considers them official US citizens.

Daivari continued to brown-nose Kendrick, thanking him for starting 205 Live and working as the "first Cruiserweight Champion" (Not true at all). Kendrick then demanded to know who they'd be facing in their upcoming tag team match. He didn't have to wait long to find out.

Tony Nese came out first. The Premier Athlete has been in the middle of a metamorphasis as of late, and it seems that he may be back on the light side now. His tag team partner? Well, it was none other than Mike Kanellis!

The Brian Kendrick & Ariya Daivari vs Tony Nese & Mike Kanellis

Daivari took the fight to his former Zo Train partner, bashing Tony Nese off the turnbuckle face first. Nese quickly responded, taking him out with his patented striking/leg sweep combo.

Kanellis tagged in for a drop toe hold/facebuster combination. Daivari was lit up by Kanellis with a series of chest chops. Nese tagged in and hung up Daivari with a rope hung bulldog. The triangle moonsault missed as Kendrick yanked Daivari out of the ring.

Daivari followed up with a pendulum neckbreaker in the ropes. Kendrick came in for the Sliced Bread #2 but Nese escaped, managing to tag in Kanellis. Kendrick and Daivari felt the built up aggression that had been piling up in Kanellis since he's been away.

A double A spinebuster to Kendrick gave Kanellis a two count. Kendrick escaped a Death Valley Driver and trapped Kanellis in a heel hook. Nese was knocked off the apron as Daivari came in. Eventually Kanellis broke away from a rear chin lock and ran into Daivari in a double clothesline collision.

Nese tagged in, taking out Daivari and Kendrick with a rope hung bulldog/flying plancha combination. A triangle moonsault to Daivari almost ended the match.

Kendrick snuck a tag in on Daivari as Nese and Kanellis land a pumphandle slam/flying knee combination on the Persian Lion. Kendrick trapped Kanellis in the Captain's Hook, but Nese was able to break it up by shoving Daivari into them.

Daivari and Nese tagged back in. A Fosbury Flop and 450 Splash would've given Nese the win, but Kendrick broke up the pinfall. A Sliced Bread #2 and the Persian Lion Splash somehow didn't put Nese away.

Due to that, Kendrick and Daivari brought in the steel chairs. Before they could continue, Lorcan & Burch returned and distracted them, allowing Nese to get a roll-up for the win!

Results: Tony Nese & Mike Kanellis defeated The Brian Kendrick & Ariya Daivari via pinfall.

Following the match, Lorcan & Burch got some much needed revenge, driving Kendrick and Daivari head first into the chairs. Next week, these four men will go to war in a No Disqualification match.