10 WWE Superstars and their favorite TV shows

Stardust, or Cody Rhodes, is part of one of wrestling’s most famous families.

Dean Ambrose does not have a good history with televisions within the ring.WWE Superstars spend a lot of time on the road and a lot of time entertaining fans. But whether in the hotel rooms, when they’re back at home or even on mobile devices, they have some time to enjoy hobbies like the rest of us.In that time, it’s interesting to find out what these Superstars enjoy watching, especially since they are television stars themselves. So here are 10 superstars and their favorite shows, so you can find out what your favorite star’s favorite program happens to be.

#10 Stardust - Seinfeld

Stardust, or Cody Rhodes, is part of one of wrestling’s most famous families.

Seriously, who doesn’t like “Seinfeld,” the American comedy that is famously a show about nothing? When asked, Stardust pointed to Seinfeld as a show about the “human condition,” which is true since almost everyone identifies with it for some reason or another.

Like “Seinfeld,” the Rhodes family has become a staple in American pop culture and Stardust, or Cody, is the latest iteration of that. Stardust may be a “close talker,” but hopefully, he won’t be told “No Soup for You” when it comes to championship opportunities in the coming months.

#9 Cesaro - Knight Rider

David Hasselhoff could perhaps learn a thing or two about physique from Cesaro.

It’s been often said that David Hasselhoff has a huge following in Germany, but that apparently also extended to Switzerland, as well, since Cesaro said his favorite show as a kid was Hasselhoff’s “Knight Rider.”

The show, originally airing in the 1980s in the United States, was about a man fighting for justice, and that’s exactly what fans have been calling for in Cesaro’s case. Like Hasselhoff, he was really developing a following among fans before an injury derailed his efforts late in 2015. Maybe he’ll get a talking car!

#8 Wade Barrett - CNN

Wade Barrett likes to make sure he stays up to date on news and current events.

Of course, WWE Superstars can’t just always be about entertainment. They have to be informed about their world and what’s going on around them, and Wade Barrett has highlighted that as something that was very important to him.

Unfortunately, that means that he gets an awful lot of “Bad News” from his favorite CNN programs like those involving Anderson Cooper, but that fits right in with one of his characters. Hopefully, he doesn’t hit his TV with a Bullhammer when he hears negative stuff.

#7 Big E - Portlandia

Big E has become one of the WWE’s most entertaining superstars since joining the New Day.

Since joining the New Day, the current and two-time WWE Tag Team Champions, Big E has established himself as one of the most physically gifted performers in the WWE. But he’s also established that he and his teammates have unusual senses of humor.

For that reason, it makes complete sense that he would enjoy a show like “Portlandia,” with its quirky humor about the Pacific Northwest. Random? Yes, but so are the unicorn horns, trombone and comic stylings of Big E and The New Day.

#6 Kevin Owens - The Simpsons

Kevin Owens likes to laugh, just like most of us, so a funny show is his choice.

At times, especially when he’s chasing a championship, Kevin Owens can be one of the most serious and brutal performers in the WWE. But certainly he can’t be that way all the time, can he?

The answer to that is, of course, no. In fact, Owens is such a fan of the cartoon “The Simpsons” that his Twitter profile includes a photo of his real-life family drawn in the style of the characters from the show. Now that’s commitment to a television show.

#5 Brie Bella - Sex and the City

Brie Bella has been working more regularly in the ring as a solo competitor recently.

The Divas of the WWE are spectacular athletes who have a very atypical and sometimes violent career compared to what most women do for a living. But that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy some of the same things that other women do.

Brie Bella, for instance, loves the show “Sex and the City” because of how each character on the show is someone women can identify with. If given another chance, Brie would almost certainly include her own show, “Total Divas,” but it’s certainly understandable why she chose the show she did.

#4 Kofi Kingston - 24

Kofi Kingston has been a staple of WWE programming for several years now.

This is one of those road-trip binges that so many people might take part in if they traveled as much as WWE Superstars do. At one point, Kofi Kingston was passing his time by watching episode after episode of “24.”

That meshes nicely with who Kofi is in the WWE. Both Kofi and the thrilling drama provide action, and both move fast, with Jack Bauer trying to beat the clock and Kofi trying to stay one step ahead of his opponent. It works out that Kofi found that show.

#3 Dolph Ziggler - Debates

This is the face most Americans have been making this election season.

So Dolph Ziggler may have never said that the debates for the United States Presidential candidates are his favorite show, but his Twitter timeline reveals that “The Showoff” is very invested in the political process, for better or worse.

During every debate, both Republican and Democrat, Ziggler tweets reactions and his typical witty jokes about what’s going on with the candidates. Oddly enough, many Americans wouldn’t be too disappointed if Ziggler showed up to Superkick or Zig Zag a couple of those candidates. In fact, that might get him elected!

#2 John Cena - Family Guy

John Cena has been WWE’s “Family Guy” for the last few years.

Really, when you think about it, “Family Guy” makes a lot of sense as John Cena’s favorite show. When he’s at his best on the microphone, Cena is one of the WWE’s most humorous competitors, and the animated show is among the funniest on television.

Further, “Family Guy” is known to push the envelope with its content frequently. While Cena has been the central figure of WWE’s PG Era, he also has a history of using salty language when the need arises. And Cena has become something of a pop culture meme, which fits into the cartoon’s style.

#1 Seth Rollins - Game of Thrones

Seth Rollins rose to the pinnacle of the WWE at Wrestlemania 31 in California.

Betrayal, violence and power are all part of the “Game of Thrones” story, both in books and on television, so it’s no surprise that it would draw the interest of WWE Superstars, and former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins is among them.

Appropriately enough, all of those elements are also key to Rollins’ career in the WWE. He betrayed his Shield brethren to join the Authority, which fast-tracked his rise to champion as power. And along the way, he unleashed plenty of violence on the likes of John Cena, Randy Orton and Dean Ambrose.