10 most underrated main roster superstars

Who deserves to be appreciated more?
Who deserves to be appreciated more?

The main roster is absolutely stacked right now, with both Raw and SmackDown Live possessing some world class superstars across the board.

Because of this, it's easy for some guys and girls to be lost in the shuffle - and while a lot of the people we're about to list are featured prominently, that doesn't mean they aren't still criminally underrated by the fans and WWE themselves.

Some require more TV time to thrive, whereas others have proven their popularity and just need to be given the ball to run with.

Thankfully, there are always new opportunities being created, but that doesn't mean we aren't still eager to see what happens on a week-to-week basis with these ten individuals.

So with that being said, here are our 10 most underrated main roster superstars.

#1 Big Show

Will Show return?
Will Show return?

The Big Show has always been a character that has been seen as 'overhyped' and 'overrated', but we tend to think just the opposite.

The World's Largest Athlete is still incredibly agile in his ring and given his age and size, that's not something that should be taken lightly - no, that wasn't a pun of any kind.

Show has done tremendously well to get himself into the best shape of his career, and while he may be winding down in terms of his in-ring career, we'd still love nothing more than to see him have one last run at the top of the card.

He doesn't necessarily need to capture a world championship, but even seeing him challenge for one would put an extremely big smile on our faces.

#2 Bo Dallas

Dallas is one of the most versatile Superstars when it comes to gimmick changes

Alongside Curtis Axel, Dallas is currently involved in one of the more entertaining storylines we've seen on WWE television as of late.

The duo are desperately trying to stay relevant in the wake of their departure from The Miztourage, and in a weird way, they've become even more interesting as a result of it.

Of course, one member of any team tends to stick out more so than the other, and for us, it's Bo.

Mr. Bolieve himself is one of the best young workers in the entire company, and given that he's still only in his mid-20s, he's got his entire career still ahead of him.

Dallas has proven that he can deal with any gimmick alteration or character change thrown his way, and it's exciting to see how much further he could grow both in the ring and on the microphone.

#3 Goldust

Goldust has been a great servant
Goldust's character has been able to outlast many high profile names

The Bizarre One Goldust continues to defy the laws of aging, and in many ways, continues to defy those who believe he's nothing more than a washed-up Attitude Era star.

His character has been able to outlast many high profile names that have come before him, and we have no doubt that he'll continue to possess a spot on the main roster for as long as he desires.

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, Goldy has never been given a sustained push at the highest level.

Perhaps WWE never felt as if he was someone who could be taken seriously at the top of the card, but just imagine him holding the Intercontinental Championship or some other form of gold. The promos alone would be worth it happening.

#4 Bobby Roode

Glorious One would benefit from a change in persona

Before we get started with the entry, let's just clarify something: the majority of fans know and understand just how good Bobby Roode is - we aren't denying that.

Unfortunately, The Glorious One has been stuck in something of a rut lately courtesy of his babyface persona. It doesn't suit the gimmick, it doesn't work with his move set, and it's turned a lot of people off his work.

The second Roode is turned heel, all of that is going to change. Roode has a tonne of charisma, especially when he's a bad guy, as evidenced by his brilliant run down in NXT as the champion.

He's one of those competitors that doesn't do anything all that fancy in the ring, but he does everything so smoothly that it just seems to work for him.

#5 Zack Ryder

Woo woo woo!
Ryder's injuries have not helped his case in the WWE

For the longest time it felt like Zack Ryder would never reach the heights of his United States Championship run again, and then, WrestleMania 32 happened.

The former Edgehead kicked off the showcase of the immortals by capturing the Intercontinental Championship, and from that point on, it felt like his ascension towards the main event scene was imminent.

Then, it all seemed to fall apart - and he hasn't really been able to recover. A series of injuries obviously haven't helped, but WWE still just doesn't seem interested in giving Ryder an extended push.

Hell, even the Mojo Rawley feud couldn't get him out of this lull he appears to be in, and that felt like something that was made for a big babyface triumph.

#6 Mickie James

Mickie is a fantastic peformer
Mickie James should be allowed to re-ignite her crazy persona

Since returning to WWE, Mickie James has certainly had an interesting second run. She's been involved in some really fun matches, she's had two WrestleMania matches, and she's been able to remind her fanbase why she was so over back in the day.

The only problem with that is current fans haven't been able to see everything she can do from a character standpoint.

Look, everyone knows that Mickie was at her most compelling during the feud with Trish Stratus, and there's just no way around that.

Instead of having her parade around with Alexa Bliss, WWE should be allowing her to re-ignite her crazy side one more time.

It worked extremely well for AJ Lee a few years ago, and we're convinced it'd go the same way for James.

#7 Rusev

What a man
Rusev's character has been on the decline

While it is ironic that we're including Rusev in this piece on Rusev Day, we aren't here to talk about that.

We're here to discuss the tragedy that is the decline of The Bulgarian Brute, although, some fans may not see his current position as a 'decline'.

While he has been featured in some really important matches as of late, with the casket match vs The Undertaker coming to mind, it's still not enough.

With WWE editing out the Rusev Day chants whenever they can and the man himself threatening to leave, it's clear to see that they don't see enough value in him as a performer.

Moving forward, it feels as if they'll have no choice but to see the error of their ways because otherwise, the former United States Champion could decide to take his talents elsewhere.

#8 Sheamus

Sheamus deserves better
Sheamus deserves better

It's odd to call a guy who WWE features so prominently 'underrated', but in the same vein as Roman Reigns, the WWE Universe just doesn't seem to 'get' Sheamus.

It's probably because the Celtic Warrior has never had that legendary run at the top that he deserves, despite being a multi-time world champion.

Sure, The Bar is great, but he's even more impressive as a singles star.

Sheamus has had some truly great matches during his near-decade run with the company, and with a few tweaks to his character, he could still be used as a main event star.

Alas, he seems destined to remain as a tag team wrestler for the foreseeable future, and given his age alongside his rumoured injury problems, he may retire sooner rather than later.

#9 Peyton Royce

Royce has a bucketload of potential
Royce has a bucketload of potential

At the age of just 25, it's frightening to consider where Peyton Royce could be in just a few years time.

She's already come on leaps and bounds from when she initially started down in NXT, and while her start to life on the main roster hasn't exactly been perfect, her character works exceptionally well alongside Billie Kay's as part of The IIconics.

Royce feels like she's going to be another Alexa Bliss-type of success, in that her character is phenomenal despite the fact she isn't the best in-ring worker on the roster.

Some will choose to see her being promoted this early on as a mistake, but we prefer to think that she'll be able to gain so much great experience from the other girls on SmackDown Live.

#10 Becky Lynch

Lynch should be carrying SD Live
Lynch should be carrying SD Live

Speaking of other girls on SmackDown Live, that brings us to Becky Lynch: aka the woman who should currently be holding the SD Live Women's Championship.

The Irish Lasskicker has every tool you could possibly hold to possess when you're aiming to make it to the top of professional wrestling, and yet, she's stuck playing second fiddle to Charlotte Flair and Carmella.

Don't get us wrong, they're both exceptional talents in their own right, but Lynch hasn't had a sustained run at the top of the card since losing the title back in 2016.

She doesn't need a heel turn or anything crazy like that, but she does need to be given the chance to shine in a new kind of setup.

A move to Raw probably wouldn't have worked for her, but something needs to change soon.