10 amazing backstage WWE photos - Part 4

Akash C
Eddie Guerrero and Vince McMahon share a moment together

Today, we come to the final part of our "10 amazing backstage WWE photos” series with Part 4. By this time you already know what this series is about so I'll just point you towards the first three parts after which we can get started.

10 amazing backstage WWE photos - Part 1

10 amazing backstage WWE photos - Part 2

10 amazing backstage WWE photos - Part 3

So, without any further ado, here's Part 4 of our "10 amazing backstage WWE photos” series:

#10 Eddie Guerrero and Vince McMahon

This is my favourite photo out of this whole series. Taken right after Eddie Guerrero's incredible No Way Out 2004 match against Brock Lesnar, where Eddie won the WWE Championship, you can see just how much it meant to Eddie and just how much Vince McMahon loved Latino Heat.

A man who was well loved throughout the WWE and the rest of the pro-wrestling world, Eddie won the hearts of millions including the boss himself. Seeing just how happy the two men are in this photo, it makes what happened in the following months even more tragic.

Despite his triumphs, this is one of the last truly happy photos of Eddie as he would pass away shortly after his memorable triumph.

#9 Big E and Xavier Woods

New Day does indeed rock!

Moving onto something a little less depressing, we have Big E and Xavier woods in this funny photo backstage with the US National Flag. This photo is the perfect example of how the New Day have become one of the most popular tag teams in all of professional wrestling.

Quirky and outrageously funny, this was taken shortly after the formation of The New Day before they hit the heights of 2016 where they broke Demolition's record for the longest Tag Title reign of all time.

Wonder what Kofi was up to when this photo was taken, though?

#8 Hornswoggle

A small man who did big things in WWE

Here we have a great photo of everyone's favourite little man from the WWE. Despite wearing out his welcome towards the end of his run with the company, Hornswoggle was a pretty entertaining figure during his time in Vince's mad house.

From being Vince's son to the anonymous General Manager of Raw, the small guy has had some pretty memorable storylines – for better or for worse. Known mostly for his comedic effect on situations, it's clear from this photo that the comedy makes itself happen backstage as well.

#7 The Undertaker, Stephanie McMahon, Brock Lesnar, and Paul Heyman

Some of the greatest names in the business

A truly epic photo. During Brock Lesnar's first run with the company, he had a feud with The American Badass version of The Undertaker. It was during this time that this truly special photo was taken backstage.

Featuring the two future legends as well as Stephanie McMahon and Lesnar's advocate, Paul Heyman, what takes this photo to the next level are the expressions on Lesnar and Undertaker's faces as well as the presence of the WWE Title.

#6 Paige, Ronda Rousey, and other MMA fighters

When Wrestling meets MMA

This is one for the MMA fans. This was taken during Ronda Rousey's Wrestlemania appearance and we can see her as well as some lesser known MMA fighters posing with Paige.

Despite her current state in MMA, Rousey was a huge deal back then and to see her in a Rowdy Roddy Piper top is just awesome.

Rousey and Piper, of course, share the same nickname of Rowdy. The cherry on top is the others wearing their "I'm a Paul Heyman Girl” singlets as well as the Four Horsemen sign that they're all holding up.

#5 Trish Stratus

An iconic image

Here we have a picture of the greatest women's wrestler to ever grace a WWE ring – Trish Stratus. This photo was taken just moments before Trish's final match in the company. A pioneer in female wrestling and a leader of the industry, the Canadian enjoyed an incredible run in the WWE.

It's clear from the picture just how important wrestling was to Trish and how much she would miss being a part of it. A legendary photograph.

#4 Dusty Rhodes and Goldust

Father and son

A lot of people know Goldust as one of the longest-serving members of the WWE roster. Something not as popularly known, though, is that he is the son of the American Dream, Dusty Rhodes.

The two have always enjoyed a great relationship and this is something the WWE Universe never got to see much of as Goldust very rarely used his family name in front of the camera. This photo takes even greater meaning as Dusty Rhodes is no longer with us in the land of the living.

A fond memory of one of pro wrestling's great families.

#3 Pyrotechnics

Pyrotechnics are an important part of the spectacle of pro wrestling

This is probably the best backstage photo not to contain any people in it.

Ever wondered how those pyrotechnics the WWE love to use work? Well, here's a brilliant photo of the all the pyro which is used over the course of a show. Stored in a secure place with a lot of "No Smoking” warning signs, it's a real insight into the work that goes into give us the spectacle we take for granted every week.

#2 Jeff Hardy

An artist at heart

Jeff Hardy loves his facepaint and we were treated to an overdose of colours during his run with the WWE. Here we get a sneak peek at the work that goes into the spectacular facepaint Hardy used to sport.

Quite adamant on doing the whole thing himself owing to his talents as an artist, Jeff is quite adept in applying the facepaint on a regular basis. Maybe we'll get to see both him and his facepaint grace a WWE ring again sometime this year.

#1 The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin


I'm not even going to attempt to convey what this legendary picture means through words. Just enjoy this fabulous shot between two icons.

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