WrestleMania 31: 7 Big Returns That could happen at the Pay-Per-View

WrestleMania is not a pay-per-view known for big returns but we cannot sit back and say that no one is going to make a big comeback on March 29, 2015, at Levi's Stadium in Santa ClaraThe reason for WrestleMania not belonging to the stage for ‘big returns’ is because the company brings out all their ammunition on the Road to the pay-per-view so that they could build up the granddaddy of them all properly.This year we saw the return of Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan similarly but there is handful of other superstars who could make the fans jump out of their seats at Mania. So here is a rundown on possible big returns that could happen at WrestleMania 31.

#10 The impossible dream of a Wrestling fan Aka Honorable mention: CM Punk

Punk is contracted to UFC; he is training pretty hard for his debut. So practically speaking, the chances of Punk making a return at WrestleMania are pretty low. However, since we are talking about the Wrestling business here the fans have all the freedom to dream wild. A mere appearance from Punk would blow the roof off and as we know Vince, he might pull it off somehow.

#9 Another Honorable Mention: Tamina Snuka

Remember her? Tamina has been out of action for a long time now and her absence is there to be seeing in the Divas division.

She made a reputation for being a good brawler in the division before injury caught her and a returning Tamina could give WWE more options other than Paige and AJ Lee. It might not be a big return as most of the others in the list but since the give the divas a chance hashtag is trending, it will be welcomed.

#8 Undertaker

Taker would have been much higher in the list if WWE hadn’t leaked their plans. Despite Bray challenging Taker for a match at WrestleMania, there was a lot of speculation on whether the Phenom would appear at the pay-per-view or not.

However, all those speculations were put to bed when someone in WWE leaked Taker’s plans for Mania in the net. The company quickly managed to remove the same but the dirt sheets soon pounced on the matter and the damage was done.

So as we know, Take is going to return at Mania but the surprise factor will not be there. WWE might also give out a segment in the coming weeks where he accepts Bray’s challenge without making a proper appearance.

#7 Sheamus

Vignettes has been airing for Sheamus’ return and from the looks of it, WWE could delay the moment till WrestleMania. The Intercontinental Championship title was expected to be the ideal return stage for Sheamus but now that it is crowded with the likes of Goldust and Stardust, the Celtic warrior would need a different path.

And what would be that different path? The Andre the Giant Battle Royal of course. If WWE wants to build Sheamus as a main event heel, the first things they should do is let him look strong on the return.

Outclassing almost half of the roster will be a great way to make Sheamus look relevant again and if he returns before Mania, still WWE needs to let him run out with the trophy.

#6 Vince McMahon

Vince has been around the WWE programming every now and then but he has kept himself away from a regular role. There is a lot of criticism on Vince being out of touch in running the WWE and to an extent, the criticism has base as well.

The active days of Vince might be coming to a close in the near future and he is likely to go out in favor of Triple H. But should Vince retire silently or go out in style like he is known for?

The fans would prefer the second choice. For that, Vince needs to make a return at Mania so that he could have a final storyline which will then culminate in his retirement.

#5 Mark Henry

Mark Henry is clearly miles away from his prime but he is still an expendable member in the roster. WWE can spark up a David vs. Goliath match with Henry in the mix with almost any baby face and with the NXT stars coming up soon, it will be crucial.

Henry has been out of the programming due to injury. If the rumors are right, he has recovered from them and is all set to make a return into regular television. What WWE should do is save the return for Mania instead of ruining it in some lame episode of Monday Night Raw or pre-taped outing of SmackDown.

#4 Chris Jericho

In case you didn’t know Chris Jericho was appearing in live events of WWE for the past two months. We can take away three things away from this: Jericho is still in love with the Wrestling business, WWE has no problem accommodating him, and most importantly, Jericho is still in shape.

It is a good combination of take away for the WWE and they could pull out the card called Jericho at Mania. He could come in for one night and make someone look gold before returning back to his rock star life.

With the skills that Jericho has in his pocket, not many would complaint about the human highlight reel having a one night stand at Mania.

#3 Funny slide in between: The Bunny

Am I the only one who misses the Bunny? Oh wait, I might be.

#2 Stone Cold Steve Austin

Steve Austin’s wrestling days might be long behind him but he could come in and have a surprise appearance at WrestleMania. The glass breaking sound produced Goosebumps all over the Arena last year. He hasn’t appeared ever since and if Austin decides to drop by it would be a crowd pleaser.

The possible angles for Austin will be the next question.

Rusev would be a good choice considering how much heat the Bulgarian Brute has but if WWE wants to keep things a bit light, they could let Austin stun Miz or Curtis Axel. Either way, Austin’s star power would be a welcomed sight for everyone associated with the company.

#1 The Rock

Rock’s return if it happens are going to be the most relevant. Why? Because his cousin will be in the main event and his cousin has some trouble getting over. WWE will most probably bring out Rock just like they did at Rumble but that should not be done.

Rock appearing in the Reigns – Lesnar showdown will steal the limelight from the Samoan Superman and it would work against him. However, they could let Rock appear before the Reigns match and give the fans a moment to cherish.

It would also add a suspense factor to the main event as the fans would be expecting to see Rock appear once again and help Reigns.