WWE TLC 2014: 3 Possible endings for Dolph Ziggler vs Luke Harper Ladder match

What happens when you put two great in-ring workers in a ladder match for the Intercontinental championship?No, I’m not talking about the Razor Ramon – Shawn Michaels classic that happened years ago, I’m talking about the match at TLC between Dolph Ziggler and Luke Harper which could be equally impressive. The duo has been giving pay-per-view quality matches on free television for some time now and will finally be presented with a stage on December 14 at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio.There are a lot of buzz about the match due to the guaranteed quality and here is a look at the possible endings that could happen at TLC.

#3 Ive got some bad news for you

Bad News Barrett returned to the WWE ring after WrestleMania and embarked on a great run which saw him grab the Intercontinental championship. A majority of the WWE fans saw Barrett as the one who could get the title back into relevance and rightfully so.

However, a bad mishap from Jack Swagger dislocated Barrett’s shoulder and took him out of action for a few months. Barrett is all set to make his return from injury any time soon. Introducing him right back into the title scene will be mouthwatering.

A match between Barrett and Harper would be great while a match between Ziggler, Barrett and Harper would be awesome. If the writers want to plot all these, they could let Barrett interfere at the TLC match and end it in a no contest.

#2 Big men climb faster

Harper breaking out as a singles champion was expected however, many didn’t see it coming because of the Authority’s favor. It was the help from Triple H and his gang that got Harper the championship in the first place and this is a black mark in his reign.

Though he has been giving out great performances, Harper is yet to win the heart of fans as a credible champion. He needs to get a great win for that and TLC would be a great stage.

Ziggler has made a name for himself putting other superstars over and could do the same at the pay-per-view. If the company wants to push Harper as a credible champion for the long run, a clean win will be a necessity.

#1 Two in a row

If it wasn’t for Sting, Ziggler would’ve come out of Survivor Series as the biggest winner. He was indeed a winner for that matter but was heavily overshadowed by the debut that made everyone wait for a decade.

The fans were happy to see Ziggler get the limelight nevertheless and being one of the most hardworking names in the roster, Ziggler deserved to be there.

The Showoff is hotter than ever right now after ending up as the sole survivor and WWE should not waste this momentum. They can put the title back on Ziggler after a great match between the two. Harper will definetly get hurt with the result but being a heel, a post-match attack would make him look good.

And with the quality that these two men brings to the table, it might also surpass the bench mark set by Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels.