WWE Survivor Series 2015: 7 Major twists that could happen at the Pay-Per-View

He can conquer someone

Back with bang?Although WWE might say otherwise, the 2015 edition of Survivor Series certainly lacks the hype.The company failed to capitalize on many great options they had and now, they have a half-baked match card which does not even have a clearly hyped traditional elimination match.The only things currently keeping the show together is the 25th anniversary of Undertaker, crowning of a new champion and the controversial angle between Paige and Charlotte. WWE does have a chance to change the whole scenario upside down on the Survivor Series night.Incorporating some twists into the show always does the magic and we are going to take a look at some of those twists that WWE could use.

#7 An unexpected return

He can conquer someone

Unexpected returns always find a place in the possible twists list. And this time around, WWE has a long list of possibilities as well.

The most notable one from the lot would be that of Brock Lesnar. Lesnar came out on top against Undertaker at Hell in a Cell in a bloody encounter and hasn’t been seen ever since. If he comes and causes havoc at Survivor Series, fans would not have many complaints.

John Cena recently announced his new project with FOX so the fans least expect to see him return, which is the perfect scenario for a surprise return by the way. Another name thrown into the mix is that of Sting just so that we could finally see that dream situation of Taker and Sting in the same ring.

If WWE wants to take it to the next level, they could bring in Seth Rollins for a cameo as well.

#6 Kane does the unthinkable

Betraying his brother, again

Kane and Undertaker will be teaming up to face the Wyatt Family at Survivor Series and there is a lot of hype surrounding the match.

To be frank, the hype is not because WWE booked the storyline perfectly; it is just because of the 25th year of the Undertaker in WWE. The creative team did have an option of going with a traditional four on four encounter at the show, but instead, they chose the plain old two on two tag team match.

It is almost sure to backfire on them, but a twist could change the whole situation. If Kane turns on Undertaker and then sets up one last match with his brother, it would be a blow in the dark for the WWE Universe.

#5 Undertaker gets the loss

Taker losing will surprise everyone

Undertaker’s 25th anniversary is the theme here as well. It is one of the reasons why Taker is wrestling at Survivor Series in the first place.

Fans will be eagerly anticipating a win for Taker, but what if he loses out cleanly to the Wyatt Family. The whole feud has been built around Bray Wyatt’s desire to become the new face of fear and the best way in which WWE could stamp his claim is by letting him defeat the Dead Man.

Taker losing at his 25th Anniversary year would be something near to the Streak ending and WWE could get some mainstream hype due to the same. Bray, meanwhile, will get the biggest win of his career and can move forward to bigger things.

#4 Becky Lynch turns on Charlotte

Lynch should have a bigger role to play instead of the current one

WWE took a stroll down the emotional lane with Paige vs. Charlotte feud. Charlotte went on to mention how she considered Paige as a best friend and this added more depth to the feud.

The Reid Flair reference from Paige also helped the whole thing and WWE could make the whole Divas Championship scenario more interesting if they let Becky Lynch turn on Charlotte at Survivor Series.

Lynch has taken a backseat due to the intensity between Paige and Charlotte. If she comes down and lays out both Charlotte and Paige, WWE could easily set up a Triple threat feud between these three for the Divas Championship. This angle would make better use of Becky as well, instead of simply wasting her as a supporting character.

#3 Four on four it is

Four on four is what we want

It was mentioned earlier that WWE had the chance to make the Brothers of Destruction vs. Wyatt Family a four on four battle. As things stand now, it is a two on two bout, but what if WWE changes the bout at Survivor Series?

It is a real possibility considering that the Wyatt Family has the upper hand in numbers. Before the starting bell rings, the entire Wyatt Family could beat down the Brother of Destruction leading to other superstars coming to the aid of the legends.

Triple H could come down and then make it a Four on four much to the delight of the fans. As far as the teammates of Taker and Kane are concerned, it could range from Brock Lesnar, Usos, to a dream partner in the Vigilante Sting.

#2 The money in the Bank cash in

Unexpected champion

Kevin Owens, Alberto Del Rio, Roman Reigns, and Dean Ambrose are the surviving superstars in the WWE Championship tournament.

All four men are capable of carrying the championship around their waists, but Reigns and Ambrose are the clear favorites. The fans want to see a battle between Ambrose and Reigns in the final with either of them walking away with the title.

This is the expected result and WWE could shock everyone if they let Sheamus cash in. Sheamus currently has no momentum whatsoever, and his cash in would be a big surprise. He fits in perfectly as the Authority’s man and wouldn’t have much problem in attracting heat from the fans if he cashes in on Ambrose.

#1 Brothers no more

Been brothers for too long

This is a swerve that the entire WWE universe wants to see.

Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose have been blood brothers for a long time and if either of them turns at Survivor Series, it would be a strong storyline for the WWE. The best part about this is – fans will welcome both heel turns with equal enthusiasm.

Reigns and Ambrose could reach the final of the WWE championship tournament and after one of the superstars has won the title, the other could turn on the winner. Or, WWE could let Ambrose or Reigns interfere in each other’s Semi-final matches to implement the heel turn.

The guy turning heel could then align with the Authority to have a full blown feud against the other.