Road To Wrestlemania 31: 5 Things WWE deserve credit for

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The Raw that just went by was a great showcase for many feuds. What was enthralling was the fact that WWE went ahead with unravelling a storyline the entire night. And that is how it should always be- a storyline unravelling for three hours.This was executed succinctly and the night ended on quite a high. In spite of this, WWE unravelled many other storylines and Wrestlemania 31 looks like a strong card, the likes of which, surprisingly, may be difficult to match.A strong build up is key to how an event may shape up. It has built the anticipation levels quite well and that is half the work done. For so long, we’ve complained about how WWE isn’t utilising much of its talentBut despite that, here are the five things that WWE deserves credit for.

#1 Miz and Mizdow

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The most pleasant surprises of all has been the overwhelming success of the Mizdow gimmick. A lot of credit goes to the way Miz and Damien Sandow play their respective characters. Miz is just such a great heel. He may easily be the character that most WWE fans loathe of.

That has made it easy for the crowd to chant for Mizdow to spite the self-proclaimed Hollywood A-lister. And add to that Sandow’s determination in making us believe in his character. he turned something so ridiculous into something entirely entertaining and all of it seemed logical as time moved on.

And now, WWE has made it worthwhile to wait Mizdow finally set himself free from his master.

#2 Really, really strong

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The prime consensus in the WWE is to make Reigns look really, really strong.That has taken more than a year in the making.

But yet, here comes Sting. And nobody has been made to look as strong as Sting. He has the loyal following of the hardcore fans but with his arrival in the WWE he has attracted the casual fanbase as well. All of his appearances have been memorable and he has been rightfully booked mighty strong.

The character hasn’t lost its aura one bit. To see this mystique unfold is spectacular, especially in the reality Era where kayfabe seems more or less dead.

#3 Seth Rollins

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The entire episode of Raw was precisely good for the way it unfolded the events that took place in the beginning. Seth Rollins came to his hometown of Iowa and still behaved like a heel.Iowa was beneath him and he couldn’t care less.

Rollins has developed into one of the best heels of the past year. He has been perched on the main event scene since he betrayed his brothers. WWE deserves credit for making Rollins heel and go against the popular perception of making him a face once The Shield was done.

He has improved immensely on the mic and more so as a character.

#4 Two Roads to Wrestlemania

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In retrospect, it will seem that WWE did a good job of not having Reigns and Lesnar collide paths until just before Wrestlemania.

Lesnar and Reigns, don’t really compare. Lesnar is a monster. He’s been unbeatable for the past year and there’s no one in the WWE right now who matches his dominating presence.

Roman Reigns is a young lion on his journey to claim the throne.

Lesnar is the champion, the ruler. Reigns is a rookie. We have been fed with rumours that suggest Reigns is probably going to be the winner. But how? That is the journey one has to pay attention to.

And that has been well done so far. We don’t know how Reigns is going to face the force that is Lesnar and that is the surprising element that may make or break the match.

#5 Prestige

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The U.S. Title and the Intercontinental Title have long been ignored and the storylines and the champions have seldom garnered much interest. But come Wrestlemania, they are set to enjoy some much deserved time in the spotlight.

The IC title specially, which got a boost ever since Ziggler won it multiple times, is finally making its way back into the realms of importance as each competitor- be it Ambrose, Bryan, Ziggler, Harper, Truth, Barrett and Stardust- looks to earn the title to be called Champion.

Rusev and Cena, on the other hand, are having a compelling feud which has seen Cena deliver one of his best performances on the mic.