WWE Raw 2nd March 2015- 5 Promising Developments

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WWe Raw happened on the heels of a #GiveDivasAChance trend and in the midst of gaining back some relevancy to the Intercontinental Championship. Also, on the news was the impending appearance of Jon Stewart. The tension was palpable between Rollins and Orton and it was another week which saw the rise of the Roman Empire. He’s main eventing Wrestlemania. But WWEis still developing its other storylines quite well.Here are the five promising developments from this weeks Raw-

#5 They heard us

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WWE is majorly serious about owning a gigantic space on social media. They’re trying to make their presence bigger than ever and that presence becomes bigger when there is a bigger fanbase interacting with them and about them on social networks. Last week, the #GiveDivasAChance trended worldwide and AJ Lee used her voice to tweet the disparity inside the WWE for female wrestlers.

This week, they were given more time and relevance as the spotlight was on the them. A Divas title match was given a big match feel with the introductions of the challenger and the Champion. The result was predictable but they got the audience invested and they were excited for AJ Lee’s return. Although, the dumbest thing the audience did was chant ‘CM Punk’ at the face of the womens division.

Yet, they were given a chance and they did not disappoint. This should not fade away.

#5 Do Not slap Mizdow

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Miz was humiliated in a ‘comedy of errors’ situation. He accidently shot for a commercial for erectile dysfunction And he blamed Mizdow for it. It could have been a comic relief segment and for that much it paid off, since it was a bit hilarious. Miz is a great heel and a good sport for these kinds of segments.But everything took a turn when Miz couldn’t take the humiliation anymore and he slapped Mizdow. And for the first time he showed this unprecendented anger towards Miz and shook the ‘Hollywood A Lister’ to the core. Mizdow eventually apologized. But we all know, everything is going to break apart soon.

#3 Enter Harper

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Just when we thought the ladder match for the Intercontinental title will have R-Truth, Ambrose, Barrett, Bryan and Ziggler- one was wondering that there might be a sixth person for a match with such a stipulation. Harper seems like the sixth person and Bryan and Ziggler haven’t yet, at this point of the show, been added into the mix of things but whenever that happens, it’ll be worth the wait.

Getting to the point, Truth came out for commentary and hid the Intercontinental title under the announce table. Harper came out of nowhere and took the belt away with him.

#2 Enter Bryan and Ziggler

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And now, here’s a sign of things to come. Daniel Bryan was on the recieving end of some tremendous offense by Luke Harper but he eventually defeats the man who had the IC title belt at that point. Bad News Barrett returns to take his championship back only to lead a frenzy outside the ring with Bryan, Ambrose, Truth, Harper getting involved. Harper was the one who came out looking the strongest and he took the title away and as soon as he turned around at the end of the ramp, he took a super kick to the face by Ziggler and the Showoff borrowed the title for the week.

This is awesome.

#1 Stephanie McMahon vs John Cena

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Stephanie McMahon’s presence makes any average segment into something exceptional. Her promo segment with Cena was one of the highlights of the night, wherein she told Cena what Rusev and Lana have been telling him for weeks - he’s old news. And Cena is yet to catch a break for Wrestlemania.

Another hope is that Mcmahon is yet to get involved in the angle between Triple H and Sting. It seems whenever she does, this angle will only get better.