WWE RAW 23rd November 2015- 5 promising developments

The quest continues

Stephanie McMahon & Roman Reigns opened last night’s showThe Survivor Series fallout of RAW was interesting for the reason being that Roman Reigns after a long, long time had some empathy following him after what happened 24 hours ago. He defeated his brother clean and won without turning heel.The audience were mostly booing him but when Sheamus came and cashed in his contract, people knew that there are way worse choices of superstars who WWE could decide to push.This works because Reigns now has some supporters amongst the same audience that boos him. This may be the last attempt towards a Reigns babyface push but not booking Sheamus well has finally paid off.Here are the 5 promising developments from Raw-

#5 Better than yesterday

The quest continues

Charlotte vs Paige on Monday Night Raw was not only better than their Survivor Series bout, it was the best match on Monday Night Raw. These two were given much more time and the audience was more engaged than the night before.

The count out finish was perfect, it gives this feud more fuel and continuation. Paige’s quest for the championship made her look vicious and it’s till now the best story the main roster division has. She’s relentless and playing her heel role flawlessly.

Michaels Cole saying that the championship win will complete her was possibly the line that defines her persona.

#4 New gimmick again

There’s a silver lining somewhere.

Ryback seems like he has a new gimmick which is not really different from any of his previous gimmicks. He’s still babyface but right now he’s using his strength more and more in trampling superstars.

This week Heath Slater returned to entertain the audience with his antics only to be met with Ryback who decimated his guitar and ended the segment. The fact is Slater was so good as a goof that the Ryback attack seemed awesome.

What if Ryback walks out every week to end a boring/ useless segment?

That can be interesting. Short but significant moment.

#3 Aw, New Day

New Day celebrating their one year reign as champions

Nobody, nobody at present in the WWE is as funny as The New Day. Big E, Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston are so comfortable in their roles, that it’s perfection.

Who could have sold the idea of pink horses and that hairstyle on Kingston? They were comic perfection and the great thing is that they are not relegated to the comic relief segments. They are actually the tag team champions and deserve every bit of that adulation.

Thei presence and their performances get better every week. All hail, New Day!

#2 Rusev returns

Rusev is back

Rusev was out with an injury that forced many to believe that he’ll take some time to recover but Rusev returned to everyone’s shock and kicked reigns’s skull to oblivion.

If that wasn’t enough then Reigns recieved the Brogue kick. The Authority has some new allies and Reigns isn’t getting a rematch anytime soon. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon were sticking to their authoritarian gimmick and obviously are pretty good heels.

Now that Rusev has returned and Sheamus is the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion, it seems Barrett will join the Authority as well.

#1 The tease

The new rivalry

Roman Reigns is not an underdog but he has suffered enough to build his empire. Again, he came close to winning the title and again he was robbed off it by a MITB winner.

But Sheamus is no Seth Rollins. Seth Rollins was actually booked pretty well but Sheamus has been booked so bad that hardcore fans are moving towards supporting Reigns.That’s very well done, WWE.

Also, the chemistry between Reigns and Sheamus is good enough to wait for their eventual clash at TLC.

Their past matches have been very promising.