WWE RAW 10th August 2015- 5 Promising Developments

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Cesaro’s babyface run is working really well.

The BossIt wasn’t the best show that WWE could have put on, but neither was it the worst of its kind. The Summerslam match card was enhanced with the inclusion of Stephen Amell as The Green Arrow is set to be in a match at Summerslam. And then the divas revolution was finally booked for a match at the third biggest PPV of the year. Cena, Lesnar and Undertaker were missing in action but this show moved along pretty well for all the big name exclusions.And of course there were redundant ‘Tough Enough’ plugins.Here are the five promising developments from this weeks show-

#1 The Noble Hero

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Cesaro’s babyface run is working really well.

Cesaro is playing a tried and tested, simple yet significant gimmick- he’s a noble man. He may not be as virtuous and clean cut as Cena is. Nobody wants a second SuperCena. What Cesaro however has in common with Cena is part of his moniker, namely The Swiss Superman.

Other than that, Cesaro’s babyface run so far has been completely effective. He’s there to shut people up who talk too much. He himself is a man of a few words. First it was Owens and this week it was Rollins.

Cesaro came to shut Rollins up for talking trash about Neville.

A noble hero, indeed.

#2 Ryback\'s back

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A Champion Returns!

Ryback is back healthy as ever. Just when we thought that he’ll be the second consecutive Intercontinental Champion to forfeit the title and lead people to believe the Championship may be jinxed, The Big Guy returned and imposed his presence on The Miz TV. The talk show was boosted by the fact that Daniel Bryan was the guest.

But everything went pretty downhill when it was made clear that Ryback and Show will continue their feud. Seriously? Is there no one compelling enough to feud with Ryback at this point?

The only promising part is that a champion is back and the disappointment is that WWE seems to be doing nothing to book him in a relevant manner.

#3 Some New Day

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Sing, dance and CLAP!

New Day are the most ridiculous heels of this era. They sing, they sometimes dance, they clap and they’re basically always cheerful until it comes to wrestling in the squared circle. They’re hyperactive and they don’t care what you think.

They’ll sing their lores and gallivant all over the arena.Their backstage segments are one of the better parts of the show and their gimmicks. They’re set to face three other teams at Summerslam but their optimism knows no bounds with them celebrating the fact that that sort of match indicates that there will be more people to witness their victory.

#4 The Revolution goes to Summerslam

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Tag Match for Summerslam

Well, it’s official. The tag team matches may finally be ending as all three trios in the Divas Division are set to face each other at Summerslam.

There were reports of there being heat on the divas for the botched finish on Smackdown, but everybody came forth to deliver another decent tagmatch. Sasha Banks was booked really, really strong. The entire match put her majorly over even though her team took the loss.

They even let Charlotte and Sasha have a staredown, while Nikki Bella stood ringside and held her title atop. This may be an indication about who her next opponents may be.

#5 Stardust\'s Summerslam

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The Match is Finally On.

Seriously, Stardust should get a lot more spotlight on him. The guy is totally living the gimmick and it’s really working this time around with the comic book theme surrounding which revolves his entire universe.

The man attacked Stephen Amell only to have the man who plays Green Arrow sprint and attack him back immediately.

The match is set for Summerslam. But Stardust and Green Arrow have their respective allies in this fight with King Barrett and Neville being their respective tag team partners. Just let Stardust utter a long and elaborate promo because he’s quite entertaining on the mic.