WWE Power Rankings: 15 November 2014

The Survivor Series main event between Team Cena and Team Authority was once against the centre of the Universe when WWE brought out their weekly shows from the United Kingdom.There were a lot of heat from the crowd thanks to WWE’s botched launch of the Network in UK but thanks to the shows being pre–taped, most of the hostile reactions were edited out before it was aired to a wider audience.From a creative stand point, the company did make some progress over the past seven days. Survivor Series seems more sorted out thanks to the match card’s growth and the team line up also cleared up with both teams needing only one more to complete the squad.This and all the other developments did reflect upon the Power Rankings and here is a look at the final list when the week finally came to an end.

#1 Brock Lesnar (Previous Rank 1)

If Vince McMahon ever gets a time machine, the first thing he’ll probably do is erase what happened at this year’s SummerSlam. Okay he might have bigger problems to erase, but this was arguably the biggest mistake that WWE made this year as the champion is missing from even the pay-per-views.

#2 Seth Rollins (Previous Rank 2)

The architect has been at his heel best over the last seven days. He made sure that Jack Swagger didn’t make it to Survivor Series which was a big thing since Swagger would’ve completed the pack for Cena’s army. Rollins also has the task of finding someone for his team but unlike Cena, he wouldn’t have much trouble.

#3 John Cena (Previous Rank 3)

Cena was tasked with facing Ryback this week and thankfully for him, the match turned into a chaotic ending. The Cenation leader however would be happy about the week as he added two new members to his team which drastically reduced the headache.

#4 Dean Ambrose (Previous Rank 4)

The lunatic fringe’s only action over the week came against Justin Gabriel at Main Event which Ambrose won easily. His friction with Bray peaked on the other side after all those great promos by the two and a backstage attack that happened on Friday night made the narrative look better.

#5 Rusev (Previous Rank 5)

The newly crowned United States champion came out safe from the rematch against Sheamus and found new allies in form of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Rusev was a big addition to team Authority but will have his unbeaten run put at stake on Survivor Series.

#6 Dolph Ziggler (Previous Rank 9)

No matter what the Authority threw at him, Ziggler came out on top. First it was a win against Mark Henry on Raw and then came the big win over Tyson Kidd and Cesaro at SmackDown which literally stole the limelight. These wins helped Ziggler move up three places and get near that top five that he badly deserves.

#7 Randy Orton (Previous Rank 6)

The WWE fans are still struggling to digest why WWE took out Orton during such a crucial period. He would’ve ended up being very over if he was there in Team Cena at Survivor Series but instead, WWE gave him the chance to go and film a movie that will most probably go bust at the box office.

#8 AJ Lee (Previous Rank 8)

The Divas Champion got a win over Brie Bella on Raw but couldn’t save herself from Nikki’s Rack attack that followed the match. AJ would be looking to seek revenge next week but with Nikki’s heel brilliance, AJ might just have to wait till Survivor Series to fulfill her wish.

#9 Sheamus (Previous Rank 7)

Sheamus cashed in his rematch clause on Raw but came out with a loss thanks to Authority’s stooges. This loss made him drop two places in the ranking but also urged the Celtic Warrior to join Team Cena which in turn guarantees him a spot at the Survivor Series main event.

#10 Dust Brothers (Previous Rank 10)

Goldust and Stardust were not having the best of runs thanks to their recent losses but their luck apparently turned on SmackDown. It was a cheap win to be frank but that’s enough for the tag champions to get the momentum back and preserve their previous ranking.

#11 Bray Wyatt (Previous Rank 12)

Bray continued to give out some spine chilling promos against Dean Ambrose and even went physical with the lunatic fringe on SmackDown. The choice of feeding Sin Cara to Bray seemed a bit weird but the win he got there helps Bray to get closer to the top ten.

#12 The Usos (Previous Rank 11)

Having a heavy schedule in live events might’ve been the reason for not seeing the Usos this week or it could’ve been the creative team’s inefficacy to find a storyline for them. Either way, the lack of in ring activity drops them down one place in the rankings and further away from the tag titles.

#13 Nikki Bella (Previous Rank 13)

Nikki Bella has a guaranteed title shot at the Divas Championship during Survivor Series and this allowed her to take a break from in ring action this week. However, she did get one over AJ Lee on Raw when she laid out the champion with a rack attack after the AJ – Brie match.

#14 Paige (Previous Rank 15)

Paige was expected to be very hot in her home country and those expectations were met when she stepped in between the ropes on Raw to face Alicia Fox. WWE ending that angle just like that wasn’t a good thing but it’s a win for Paige nevertheless and she jumps up one place thanks to that win.

#15 Big Show (Previous Rank 16)

The World’s largest Athlete had a score to settle with Mark Henry and it’s probably this motivation that drove him to join Team Cena. Show will be a big wrestler for Cena and his star power will come in handy for the WWE as well when they sit down to book the match.

#16 Ryback (Previous Rank 18)

Ryback was the show stealer this week. He was the protagonist on Raw and both team leaders trying to lure him in showed how valuable he is right now. Ryback still hasn’t made his official decision and next week would give a much clearer conclusion about the situation.

#17 The Miz (Previous Rank 17)

As much as the fans love Damien Mizdow, they hate Miz. The whole tag team match that happened on Raw showed how egoistic Miz is and the fans were feeding on that as well. The Stunt double angle is going to be something big for both men but till then, Miz has every freedom to show off that he is always the original.

#18 Mark Henry (Previous Rank 14)

Aided by his fresh heel turn, Henry joined hands with the Authority in a joint effort to get rid of Team Cena. Despite the supposedly strong allies, the results didn’t go Henry’s way this week and getting chased away by Big Show on Raw dragged him down four places in the rankings.

#19 Tyson Kidd (Previous Rank 20)

The match that Kidd had with Adam Rose on Raw was just an excuse to tell different stories. Kidd did get a win but it was his performance on SmackDown that stole the show. He was so close to becoming the Intercontinental champion and after that match, Kidd will hopefully get some more similar bookings.

#20 Cesaro (Previous Rank 19)

Cesaro’s losing streak continued this week on SmackDown when he lost in the triple threat match. It was arguably the best match of the week but getting eliminated first wasn’t something the Swiss Superman would’ve wanted. He drops one place in the rankings and if the streak continues, Cesaro will surely be knocked out sooner or later.

#21 Damien Mizdow (Previous Rank 25)

Mizdow’s stock in the WWE is going up as each week passes by. The fans in United Kingdom weren’t happy about many of the things that were served by the WWE, but they did give huge reactions for Mizdow. The wins down the road help him improve his rankings by four places as well.

#22 Brie Bella (Previous Rank 21)

Brie had a big chance to showcase her talent when she faced the Divas Champion, AJ Lee on Raw. But she failed to make the opportunity count while spending the whole week as Nikki’s butler was another factor which contributed to her one place drop in the Power Rankings.

#23 Natalya (Previous Rank Nil)

Natalya, after months and months of being wasted, finally got some credible booking this week on SmackDown. The Hart Family member got a good win over Layla on Friday night and that helped her crack the Power Rankings. Some similar bookings in the future could see her progress deeper, but knowing how WWE books their divas, that is unlikely to happen.

#24 Adam Rose (Previous Rank 24)

Adam Rose’s Bunny is apparently more over than him at the moment and taking losses didn’t make the situation any better for the Exotic Express. However, despite the current situation, there is some potential in the angle since Rose can easily break out as a good heel if the company pulls this off correctly.

#25 Kane (Previous Rank 23)

The Big Red Monster wanted to stamp his authority over Ryback throughout the week, but things didn’t turn out well for Kane. The beating he took on both Raw and SmackDown drops him down two places in the rankings and Kane now faces the danger of being knocked out of the rankings altogether.