WWE Payback: 3 possible endings for Sheamus vs Cesaro

Arjun R

In what could turn out to be a very promising match on the PPV, U.S Champion Sheamus defends his title against the rejuvenated Antonio Cesaro at Payback.The king of swing has been on a great run as of late and will prove to be a threat to champion Sheamus. Let us look at the possible outcomes in this battle of the brawns.

#1 Sheamus wins

The Celtic warrior will win the match and retain the title at Payback. This is simply because the WWE have converted Sheamus into a mid carder and he will most likely remain around the U.S and Intercontinental title leagues.

Cesaro on the other hand is most likely getting a big push. Ever since he aligned himself with Paul Heyman, Cesaro has been performing well on a constant basis and he will in all likelyhood gun for the bigger title in the WWE. Winning the U.S title will only relegate Cesaro back to square one and this does not seem like a viable option.

#2 Cesaro Wins

Despite all that being said and done, Cesaro may still lay his claim to the coveted Unites States title and use it as a leverage to move up the rung. He is a former U.S champion himself and held it for quite a while in an impressive run.

Another factor that may add up to this fixture is that the Money In The Bank PPV is just round the corner. This has been a great tool that the WWE uses to catapult upper mid carders to main eventer status. Ziggler, Sandow, CM Punk etc have been fine examples of this. Cesaro may win the title and Payback and then drop it sometime soon to probably go on and win the MITB ladder match.

Anything is possible in the WWE and Cesaro’s storyline could be no different.

#3 Paul Heyman\'s role

When your client or should I say ‘distinguished’ client beats the unforgiving record of The Undertaker, you have all the rights to brag about the entire episode for as long as you live. This is what Paul Heyman has been doing over the last few months in the WWE.

He has been the wily manager that gives superstars the edge to get past their toughest competetion and Cesaro has found it no different having Heyman around. He will surely pay a vital role come Payback and Sheamus will know somewhere in the back of his head that it is always a handicap match when you have Heyman around.

From distracting referees to getting into the opponent’s head, Heyman has mastered it all and will look to replicate some of his dirty tricks on sunday.