5 times Dolph Ziggler did good work on the mic

Dolph Ziggler has had his share of good promos.Dolph Ziggler’s career in the WWE has been a complex one. He was a cheerleader, a lackey, a #heel and is now one of the best babyfaces in the company.Ziggler’s story so far makes him a credible hero. He’s clawed his way to the top and just when the company placed their trust on him, something or the other went wrong. He’s been in the WWE doghouse often, he’s been outspoken about it and been unlucky as well.But he’s also had his moments of glory that no one can take away from him. He wasn’t always the greatest promo worker, but ever since he began making appearances on Zack Ryder’s cult favorite Youtube Series ‘Z! True Long Island Story’ and using Twitter to build his gimmick, it became more clear that he has more personality than what the main roster was letting out.Here are the 5 times Dolph Ziggler did good work on the mic-

#5 The past and the present


It was quite interesting to see The Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla meet The Showoff. It immediately set off your imagination at how great their matches are going to be.

Here was Mr. Money In The Bank Dolph Ziggler meeting the man who, years ago, invented the concept ofMoney In The Bank. Jericho did not speak a single word, he did all the talking through his expressions.

Ziggler carried this segment with his dialogues. He came across as confident whichslowly transitioned towards being arrogant and then he became audacious. This was all done quite smoothly.

He moved on from saying hes better than Austin, The Rock and Bret Hart to humiliating Chris Jericho quite seamlessly and also managed to sell the Codebreaker quite well in the end.

#4 The back and forth trash talk


Miz and Dolph Ziggler are good friends off screen and maybe that’s why it seems they are thoroughly enjoying this segment going back and forth against each other, trying to outdo each other with their respective trash talking ability.

Till then, it wasn’t announced officially by WWE that Ziggler is also a Cleveland Native, hence Miz remained a hometown babyface while Ziggler insulted Cleveland and its football team.

The #heel called out Mick Foley not knowing when to quit and predicted Miz to face the same fate. He was vicious in this promo and his attacks were seldom funny and delivered in compelling fashion. And it was a nice touch for him to interrupt The Miz’s ‘Awesome’ crescendo.

#3 Save The Date


This was the time when CM Punk was enjoying the early stages of his record-setting reign and Dolph Ziggler was one of his earliest challenges. This was also the time when Ziggler had been ordained with the title of being the King of Selling by the smarks.

Ziggler was also quickly becoming a must-watch heel, continuing to develop his heel persona using social media. Here he is full of that youthful zest of feeling invincible. He’s getting his first shot at the WWE Championship and he’s announcing his arrival to the audience.

He’s urging everyone to mark the date when he finally gets his glory moment. He ends it all with a ‘later’.

#2 In London, once upon a time


“What a crappy country and a crappy microphone?”

Thus began Ziggler’s tirade against the United Kingdom in the London O2 arena. He was the United States Champion and he briefly mentioned why he loves being an American because they certainly have better microphones than what was provided to him here.

But most of the time he spent talking about why he’s the best – and it was downright entertaining. It was funny and it was the perfect heel promo and a glorious cheap heat tactic.

His tirade begins at the 1-minute mark.

#1 The journey continues


Here’s how you differentiate between a babyface and a heel.

Ziggler, throughout his career, has spoken consistently about how he’s the darn best at everything he sets his mind into – about how many times he can outdo anybody in the business. Most of this slideshow are about his heel promos where he’s out and out proud of himself.

But this promo, which was never aired live is till date, what many call his best promo. He talks about how he’s been called a loser and not given the opportunities he deserves for working so very hard.

He says the same thing with such vigour and passion that you have to sit and take notice. He starts slow and calm but erupts like a volcano towards the end. His fans still hope that someday he’ll have another glorious moment like his World Title win against Del Rio. Someday.