5 Superstars who can succeed Seth Rollins as WWE Champion

Daniel Bryan’s return has been the talk of the town

Triple HThe WWE Championship reign of Seth Rollins has been a topic for many debates.A portion of the WWE Universe tagged him as a credible champion while the other portion came up with an opposite claim. Either way, Rollins is holding the gold now and the next headache for WWE is to choose a superstar that will succeed him.Rollins has defended his championship against an array of superstars and most of them were worthy challengers as well. However, picking out one name that will mark an end to the title reign will be no easy task. This list is going to take a look at the most suitable superstars who could be the next WWE champion.

#6 Honorable Mention: Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan’s return has been the talk of the town

If Daniel Bryan gets fit in time and is cleared to wrestle, then everyone would love to see a feud between Bryan and Rollins for the WWE Championship which would easily spawn a match of the year candidate. It would be a fresh feud and one that would easily be one of the best of the year, that is if the leader of the ‘Yes Movement’ is cleared by the WWE to compete.

#5 Sheamus

Can he eclipse Seth Rolllins did second year running?

Sheamus was an easy choice for the list. He is the Money in the Bank holder and which makes him a contender by default.

Although Sheamus winning the title might sound awkward on paper, WWE could actually make it work if they involve the Authority into it. There is clearly some underlying friction between the Authority and Rollins and if Triple H helps Sheamus to cash in, then it would open the doors for a full-blown face turn from Rollins.

Sheamus could then be the champion backed up Triple H whereas Rollins will play the challenger. It is a storyline that could work if WWE does not mess it up.

#4 Kane

A reward for loyalty?

The storyline of Kane is taking some interesting twists and turns as we speak. In the end, he is destined to cross paths with Rollins and it would only be fitting to give one last title reign to the Big Red Monster.

He has been a loyal employee of WWE for decades now and honoring him with a championship reign will not go down as a bad move among the fans. This title change will fit perfectly into the narrative as well since Kane is currently feuding with Rollins. The only problem WWE will face here is the length of Kane’s reign. It wouldn’t be a long one and WWE should be aware of the same when they book him.

#3 Triple H

Triple H is still quite capable of putting on classic matches

Triple H hasn’t competed in a long time. He needs a solid storyline to make his return and what could be better than a Championship reign? Rollins is bragging about being better than Triple H and soon, this is likely to piss off Hunter. WWE could mould this into a storyline and then bring Hunter back into active wrestling.

From what we know, Triple H is still in a good physical condition to wrestle and he can easily go on to have a solid reign. It would be interesting to see Hunter working with upcoming names like Ambrose and Reigns with the WWE Championship on the line. With the power that he has in his hands, he will end up being a standout heel champion.

#2 Dean Ambrose

The Lunatic Champion

Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins have a long history. They started off their association back in Florida Championship Wrestling and have been responsible for some epic matches ever since.

Ambrose has cultivated a cult following in the meantime and the WWE Universe would love to see him as the new champion. Ambrose actually deserves a title run considering that he was screwed last time around. A rebel being the champion would be a subplot worth exploring. The only thing standing between Ambrose and the Championship is WWE’s willingness to put the title on him because we are not in the Attitude Era anymore.

#1 Roman Reigns

The day should come when Roman does Reign

Just like Ambrose, Roman Reigns deserves to have a shot at the WWE championship. He was supposed to be the WWE champion at WrestleMania 31 if it wasn’t for Rollins and Reigns did not get a proper rematch after that.

Reigns is still very much backed by the WWE officials and everyone will be looking for the right slot to make him the champion. Considering the history that Reigns has with Rollins, he is arguably the best option to succeed Rollins as the WWE champion. There will be some opposition from the fans for sure but WWE should stop bothering about the same as it is what ruined the momentum of Reigns till now.