10 wrestlers with the most realistic styles on TV

Alberto Del Rio beat John Cena for the United States title in his first match back in the WWE.

Wrestling is at its best when the action is the most believable.Most adults are aware that pro wrestling is scripted, but that doesn’t mean we all enjoy entertainment that isn’t at least based in reality. Sure, the wild and unbelievable moves are fun to watch, but a more realistic style is generally the safer way to go long-term.Some wrestlers seem to embrace this style of wrestling better than others and create more believable match action in the process.Here are the 10 most realistic styles that can be found from wrestlers in multiple televised promotions.

#10 Alberto Del Rio

Alberto Del Rio beat John Cena for the United States title in his first match back in the WWE.

Alberto Del Rio is known across promotions for being one of the best workers in the business, and for good reason. He uses loads of traditional holds and tosses that make for a match that is easy to believe and follow.

On top of that, when he switches to strikes and kicks, they're placed perfectly to look as rough and brutal as possible. The set-up for his new chest-stomp finisher may require suspension of disbelief, but the impact is real and aggressive

#9 Bobby Roode

Bobby Roode is one of TNA’s longest-tenured stars in the ring.

When most people think of TNA wrestling, they think of guys like Bobby Roode, and he definitely lends believability to the product. That has led him to multiple championships, including a current reign as King of the Mountain champion.

Roode exemplifies what a professional wrestler would traditionally look like in the ring, and that’s because he utilizes very few flashy moves.

Instead, he mixes stand-up fighting with old-school holds and maneuvers to put on a show that would fit in almost any promotion or era of professional wrestling.

#8 Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler’s facial expressions rarely disappoint during a match on WWE programming.

A common complaint about Dolph Ziggler is that he might oversell opponents’ moves, but in a way, that makes him one of the most realistic workers in the sport. With multiple belts on his resume, Ziggler truly makes every move look like it hurts deeply.

But if we’re being honest, that’s a fairly honest representation of reality. If a grown man stomped on the back of your knee, it would be one of the most painful things that ever happened to you.

Same with a DDT, and Dolph makes sure we see it that way.

#7 Moose

Moose is an impressively built performer who is a real asset to Ring of Honor.

As enormous as Ring of Honor wrestler Moose is, he’s also incredibly athletic. A former NFL lineman, the 6-foot-5, 300-pound behemoth has already learned how to sell moves and inflict pain like a veteran in just a couple years of ring time.

In what will become a running theme on this list, his size certainly doesn’t hurt. A man that big doesn’t have to do anything complicated to make fans believe he’s doing damage to an opponent.

That allows for simplicity and a convincing performance.

#6 Luke Harper

The look in Luke Harper’s eyes is one of a madman who wouldn’t mind hurting someone.

It may seem from appearances that Luke Harper is an unhinged wildman who isn’t even aware of where he is at the given moment. A quick look at his wrestling ability will tell you thatt he knows exactly where he is and what he’s doing.

A large man, Harper moves with agility and positions himself in such a way that his moves always make sense. He keeps things simple and uses his natural power to put on a convincing show with a variety of competitors.

#5 Sheamus

Sheamus has ridden a Money in the Bank victory to the WWE’s World Heavyweight Championship.

Especially since his heel turn earlier this year, Sheamus’ in-ring style has been about one thing: inflicting pain. The giant Irishman does everything aggressively, and when he hits someone, it really looks like it hurts.

Further, his slams and tosses are not complicated and are done with the style of a man who is bigger and stronger than whoever he’s facing.

If rumors are true, the realistic nature of his style is assisted by the fact that Sheamus takes less care with his opponents’ safety and has even injured some foes.

#4 Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens is in his first year on the WWE’s main roster.

Kevin Owens, who has wrestled all over the world as Kevin Steen, has plenty of experience despite being a rookie on the WWE’s main roster. During that time, he's developed a style that is realistic both for his moves and his appearance.

In fact, Owens looks and dresses like he could be any regular guy at a bar who decided to get in the ring. Once he crosses the ropes, though, it becomes very clear that he is a veteran, and everything he does is pure fighting and wrestling.

#3 Jay Briscoe

Jay Briscoe has been raw and a little to real at times in promos.

If you want to see precise, technical wrestling, Jay Briscoe probably won’t be up your alley. If you want to see a true brawler who knows how to mix in traditional wrestling moves and tosses, find yourself a Ring of Honor production with Briscoe involved.

The former ROH top champion comes across as a redneck who just likes to fight, and he sells that style as though he’s in a real tussle behind a bar somewhere.

Nothing flashy, very little setup, just agression and heavy hitting.

#2 Bray Wyatt

For all the theatrics involved in Bray Wyatt’s performance in the WWE, his ring work is highly believable.

Bray Wyatt, as a character, is an anarchist cult leader who has developed magical powers in the past after consuming souls. While that is the most fantasy-based story among modern WWE talent, Wyatt’s ring work is very real.

All of his moves are hard-hitting and accentuate his surprising agility for his build. When Bray hits someone, anyone in attendance or watching at home can easily believe he’s putting his full weight behind it, and he also reacts reasonably to attacks and opponents’ taunts.

#1 Brock Lesnar

Brock Lesnar is also a believeably terrifying individual when he gets his hands on an opponent.

There are plenty of factors working into Brock Lesnar’s incredibly realistic style. First and foremost, he’s a former world champion mixed martial artist in the UFC and amateur champion, so he knows what he’s doing in almost any ring.

Second, Lesnar’s character is centered around a physique that is clearly more imposing than almost anyone in the WWE, so his dominance is believable.

As if those things weren’t realistic enough, Lesnar is also genuinely a realistic worker, both inflicting and receiving more actual damage than the main roster talent that works more full-time schedules.