Top 5 WWE Storylines: Stone Cold Steve Austin

There might not be a sort out star like Stone Cold Steve Austin in professional wrestling as he was one of the instrumental figures in the survival of WWE when the waters were rough due to the WCW tides.He managed to build up a cult image in the company which they still havent found a replacement for. Still the fans still pops hard hearing Austins trademark glass shattering theme song which proves that he is still pretty much over with the WWE Universe.The last time that the fans got a taste of Steve Austin was back in WrestleMania 30 and they clearly didnt have enough of him. So to quench the thirst for the time being, here is a look at the top five storylines in Steve Austins career.

#5 Where the big boys play with each other, against WCW 1995

The best part about being a wrestling fan in the mid-90s was that there were three major promotions which were fighting with eachother. And there were wrestlers who were willing to cut promos against other promotions on live television.

When Eric Bischoff fired Steve Austin through phone from WCW, Austin had a lot to get of his chest which got incorporated into a storyline by Paul Heyman in ECW.

Austin was suffering from injury and couldn’t wrestle but he knew how to talk. He was a rattled wrestler who was angry at being fired by another promotion and was willing to go any lengths to make them look back.

The desperation and anger from Austin made the story become a hit in ECW and the reality quotient added to it as well.

#4 Im saving you till I return, against Owen Hart 1997

In the summer of 1997, Austin began to feud with Owen Hart over the Intercontinental title. In the title match, Owen legitimately injured Steve Austin after a botched pile driver which eventually cut short Austin’s in ring career.

The injury sidelined Austin and forced him to vacate his title. WWE decided to throw in a tournament to determine the new champion. Owen Hart and Faarooq managed to reach the finals and as they were fighting eachother, Austin decided to come out and help Hart get the win.

Austin later revealed that he wanted Hart to keep the title so that when Austin was back in action, he could take the title away from Hart. He helped Hart make multiple defenses and eventually lived up to his word by getting the title from Hart after returning.

#3 The Invasion Angle- 2001

After the WCW folded, the WWE ended up being the only big promotion in America. They decided to make an invasion angle with the WCW wresters they had with Shane McMahon leading the WCW cavalry alongside his sister Stephanie who had the ECW under her wing.

Austin was initially left out of the invasion angle but Vince McMahon wanted to have Austin in his team. McMahon asked Austin to be the one who used to kick McMahon’s rear and join the WWE team.

He refused initially but joined the WWE team later by giving stunners to all the members of the alliance. However, Austin soon turned against the WWE and joined the alliance.

He went right through to the end of the angle with the Alliance which ended with a traditional survivor series match.

#2 Glass Shatters, against Triple H- 2000

It was the angle in which Austin debuted his glass shattering theme song and he did it in style. Austin was taken out of action for some time after he was run over by a car and he returned with his new theme song to find out who did that.

Rikishi came out saying it was him and also said that he did it for The Rock so that his fellow Samoan would be the top guy in the business. Austin took his revenge against Rikishi and almost drove a truck into the giant.

When Austin was later booked in a handicap match against Rikishi and Kurt Angle when Triple H came down to beat up Austin and reveal that Rikishi did it for him and not the Rock.

The reveal was a bring surprise for everyone and the suspense filled angle proved to be the springboard for the feud between Triple H and Steve Austin after that. ,

#1 The Rebel against the Authority-1997

In what proved to be the back bone of the whole Attitude Era, Steve Austin squared off against Vince McMahon.

It was the ultimate battle as on one side there was a rebel who was a smart mouth and on the other hand it was Vince McMahon who was the boss. The fans soon got behind the rebel and wanted to see McMahon get beaten up.

When Austin did just that chaos broke out all over the company. McMahon was hell bound to bring down Austin and did everything in his power to do so. Austin didn’t give in as well which made it a classic storyline.

WWE tried to bring back the aura a lot of times with other superstars but no one could fill in the shoes of Austin and replicate the success.