Top 10 work out routines of WWE Superstars

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Apart from the drama, the promos, the matches, what does one notice in the WWE? Or rather what does the WWE want you to notice? There are these two words that are uttered or reportedly uttered quite a lot of times in the backstage world of the WWE which has found its way on the screen as well. It’s called ‘the look’.Not many possess that. this look predominantly give these wrestlers a larger than life appearance, basically making them look very different from someone in the crowd.This is what makes them stand out, predominantly. Here are the top 10 workout routines of superstars.

#1 Brock Lesnar

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Nobody just debuts and takes the WWE Universe by storm, except Brock lesnar. What got everybody’s attention was his build and the agility that he showcased. And add to that his strength, which he gathered enough to slam someone like a Big Show or Mark Henry.

Here’s his workout routine-

The Beast Incarnate trains twice a day, four times a week. His training is divided into three categories- fighting, running and weight training. He practices his fighting skills in the morning. He does the other two in the evening. Lesnar consumes a lot of calories which does not account for a fixed amount. He consumes a gallon of water with added electrolytes in an entire day.

After returning to the WWE, he spoke to Muscle and Fitness magazine about his workout which includes Wide-Grip Pullup, Pullup, Narrow Grip Pullup, Weighted Pullup, Seated Cable Row, Bent Over Row, Barbell Curl and Deadlift.

Even in his early days in the WWE, his greatest opponent Kurt Angle states that Lesnar benches over 600 pounds and squats over 1000 pounds.


#2 The Rock

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Probably the most sought after work routine belongs to The People’s Champ,The Great One- The Rock.

He has visibly changed his appearance drastically since his earlier days in the WWE. He’s also one of the biggest movie stars in the industry. His physique is one entity that always stands out. And yet, different movies aim for different physiques, apparently.

He states that he eats 6 to 7 times a day. His diet mainly and essentially involves lots of proteins, carbs and vegetables which includes, as he himself says, egg whites, filet mignon, chicken, fish, oatmeal, broccoli, asparagus, a baked potato, cream of rice, salad and complex carbs.

In one of his promos he clearly mentions how he begins his day- wake up at 4 am. He does cardio and lifts and that happens for 6 days a week for 90 minutes which can go upto 105 minutes.

He puts his workout session perfectly - clanging and banging.

#3 Randy Orton

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Randy Orton, the star of the moment who’s out filming a movie, has a 4-5 day training regimen. He divides each day for each body part. The first day involves working out on his chest, shoulders and triceps. Working out on legs, back, biceps follow. Each exercise involves 3 to 5 sets and every three weeks he tries to switch up exercises so that his muscles remain at level. He writes on his website about his workout routine-


  • Incline dumbbell bench press
  • Dips
  • Cable cross overs
  • Flat dumbbell bench press
  • Decline push ups
  • Flat bench flies


  • Pull-ups
  • Pulldowns
  • Seated rows
  • T-bar Rows
  • Deadlifts (rep-range: 6-10)
  • One armed rows


  • Lateral raises, front, side, and rear
  • Dumbbell press
  • Upright rows
  • Standing barbell push-press


  • Standing dumbbell curls
  • Preacher Curls
  • Hammer curls
  • E-Z curl bar
  • One armed concentration
  • Curls


  • Skull crushers
  • Close grip bench
  • Pushdowns
  • Overhead extensions
  • Donkey kicks


  • Free Squats (no weight, 100 reps, push of heel)
  • Leg extensions
  • Leg curls
  • Lunges
  • Straight leg Deadlifts

Every other without core training or abdominals/lower back.

#4 John Cena


He may not be as famous and popular as the Rock but he is the redoubtable face of the WWE and that honor does not come to just about anybody.he is qualifies to be called that officially because he ‘looks’ the WWE way.

His workout routine, just like the Rocks is available very easily.

According to Muscle and Fitness, here’s his workout statistics- Squat: 600, Bench: 481, Deadlift: 664, Clean & Jerk: 286, Clean: 358, Snatch: 304, Overhead Press: 344.

Reportedly, according to Healthy Celeb, his diet plan looks something like this-


  • Oatmeal with applesauce and raisins, 2 whole eggs and 6 egg whites.
  • Gym Supplement (after breakfast) – Protein bar.


  • Brown rice with vegetables along with 2 chicken breasts.


  • Whole wheat pita bread with tuna fish.


  • Banana and whey protein shake.


  • Pasta or brown rice, vegetables and salad with chicken/ fish.


  • Low fat cottage cheese along with a casein protein shake.

#5 Vince McMahon


Vince McMahon still manages to look as healthy as ever and he doesn’t even have to starp up his wresting boots in recent times, except that one match against CM Punk.

He is over 60 years old and looks like what most 60 year old don’t.that might be the case with any WWE superstar or diva in their respective age groups. The man looks his part for the company he owns. Here is how he works out-

His regimen accounts for 4 days of training and 46 exercises. Day 1 includes- Barbell bench Press, Hammer-Strength Incline Press, Pec Deck, Reverse Pec Deck, Barbell Bench Press, Bodyweight Dip, Cable pressdown, Incline Dumbell Bench Press, Incline Smith Machine Bench Press, Barbell Benchpress, lying dumbell raise, overhead dumbell tricep extension, cable pressdown, dumb bell kickback.

Day 2 involves Lat Pulldown, Barbell Upright Row, Hammer Strength, Lat Pulldown, Seated Cable Row, Barbell Biceps Curl, EZ-Bar Preacher Curl. Standing Dumbell Curl, Pullup, Lat Pulldown, One Arm Bentover Row, Close Grip Lat Pull down, Behind The back Smith Machine Shrug, Standing Dumbell Curl, EZ-Bar Preacher Curl.

Over to Day 3

Dumbbell Lateral raise, Barbell Shoulder Press, Kneeling rear Flye, One arm cable lateral raise, Hammer strength, Barbell shoulder press, Barbell upright row.

And now finally Day 4

Leg Extension, Back squat, leg press, lying leg curl, single leg romanian deadlift with dumb bell. seated leg curl, leg press, stationary lunge and leg extension.


#6 Triple H


Triple H is the other boss. Though he’s not quite as powerful as V.McMahon, he still has a lot of say in internal matters. He is a mentor to the younger generation but he is very well known and remebered for his particular ripped out look.

Here is how he maintains that:

He trains for five days a weeks focusing on his chest, back, shoulders, legs and arms individually each day respectively. He rests on the 6th and 7th day.

In most workouts, he trains his abs and calves and follows it up with 30-45 minutes on the treadmill every day. His workout involves Incline Bench Press, Flat-Bench Dumbbell Press, Hammer Strength Press, Dumbbell Flye, Pull-Up, Smith Machine Bent-Over Row (overhand grip), One-Arm Dumbbell Row, Hammer Strength Row and Back Extension.

#7 Ryback

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The Big Guy is back and that too with some new found momentum and interest from the audience.His break from his innumerable pushes has really paved the way for another push which looks more promising.the Tweets and the video right before his surgery have worked their magic.

Ryback eats 8 to 10 times a day which involves rice, chicken, tuna, and turkey in no particularly strict measure. According to here’s Ryback’s workout

Monday – Chest

4 sets of low cable crossovers of 10-15 reps

4 sets of butterfly of 20-25 reps

4 sets of dumbbell bench presses of 20 reps

4 sets of barbell bench presses of 15-20 reps

4 sets of dumbbell flys of 15 reps

Tuesday – Shoulders

4 sets of kettlebell presses of 15-20 reps

4 sets of Arnold dumbbell presses of 10-20 reps

4 sets of barbell rear delt rows of 15 reps

5 sets of clean and jerks

Wednesday – Biceps and Triceps

4 sets of barbell curls of 15-20 reps

4 sets of hammer curls of 15-20 reps

4 sets of cable preacher curls of 20 reps

3 sets of dip machines of 20 reps

4 sets of decline EZ bar triceps extensions of 20 reps

Thursday – Back

4 sets of back extensions of 15-20 reps

4 sets of barbell deadlifts of 15-20 reps

4 sets of inverted rows of 15-20 reps

4 sets of bent over arm long bar rows of 15 reps

Friday – Legs

4 sets of standing weight calf raises of 15 reps

4 sets of leg presses of 20 reps

4 sets of squats of 15 reps

4 sets of hack squats of 15 reps

#8 Kurt Angle

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Who can forget that he won the Olympic Gold for his country with a broken freakin’ neck?! He is one of the greatest wrestlers of all time and one of the relevant superstars from WWE’s Attitude Era. his most famous rivalry was with Brock Lesnar. His mat skills are incomparable and he has the goods to back it all up. He’s over 45 years old but he can make any young superstar run for his money. The not so well kept secret is his insane workout.

  • Breakfast-egg whites with low sugar oatmeal, Lunch- two chicken breasts and a large bowl of saladfollowed by a protein shake, dinner -steak and a large bowl of salad followed by another protein shake but that’snot his last one for the day. he has one more before going off to sleep.


3 sets of dumbbell presses of 10 reps

3 sets of machine bench presses of 10 reps

3 sets of machine triceps presses of 10 reps

3 sets of dumbbell rows of 10 reps

3 sets of seated cable rows of 8-10 reps

3 sets of dips of 8-10 reps

3 sets of hammer curls of 10-12 reps

3 sets of machine curls of 10-12 reps

3 sets of kickbacks of 10 reps

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

Running for 3-6 miles

3 sets of calf raises of 10-12 reps

3 sets of squats of 10-12 reps

Rope jump for 15 to 20 minutes


3 sets of shrugs of 10 reps

3 sets of military presses of 10-12 reps

3 sets of triceps pushdowns of 10-12 reps

3 sets of crunches of 15-20 reps

3 sets of leg raises of 15-20 reps

3 sets of bicep curls f 10 reps


3 sets of incline bench presses of 10 reps

3 sets of pullovers of 10-12 reps

3 sets of machine flyes of 10 reps

3 sets of narrow-grip lat pull-downs of 10-12 reps

3 sets of seated cable rows of 10-12 reps

3 sets of dumbbell rows of 10-12 reps

3 sets of preacher curls of 10 reps

3 sets of machine triceps presses of 10 reps

#9 Cesaro


One of the few superstars in recent times who has stumped everyone with his freaky strong display of strngth. His physique isn’t typical for the kind of strength he puts on display and that is precisely why it is always so spellbinding watching him wrestle. Dean Ambrose recalls in a radio interview that a young Cesaro used to carry sheep in both his arms in Switzerland and that is the earliest origins of his strength.

This video succintly showcases what’s happens behind the scenes.

A great mixture of technique and strength.

#10 Stone Cold Steve Austin

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How can there be a list about one of the most important aspects of WWE without the inclusion of The Toughest S.O.B in the history of this company?!

After his leg surgery, he got his calorie consumption down to about 3,600 a day which involved protein is at about 325 grams, carbs at 300 grams, fat at 125 grams.

His usual workout routine goes something like this.

Monday Squat – 5 or 6 sets, 6-8 reps Straight-legged deadlift – 2 sets, 6-8 reps Barbell shrugs – 2 sets, 6-8 reps Dumbbell shrugs – 2 sets, 6-8 reps

Tuesday Bench – 3 or 4 sets, 6-8 reps Incline bench – 2 sets, 6-8 reps 30 minutes cardio

Thursday Barbell rows – 2 sets, 6-8 reps Dumbbell rows – 2 sets, 6-8 reps Barbell shrugs – 2 sets, 6-8 reps Dumbbell shrugs – 2 sets, 6-8 reps 30 minutes cardio

Friday Barbell press – 2 sets, 6-8 reps Dumbbell press – 2 sets, 6-8 reps Close-grip bench – 2 sets, 6-8 reps 30 minutes cardio