Summerslam 2015- 5 biggest losers

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Ryback Vs Big Show Vs The Miz

Lana and Summer Rae fight during Rusev Vs ZigglerThis wasn’t the best Summerslam by a mile. Sure, the most hyped matches delivered but a lot was left to be desired. The night started on a whimper with a feud that nobody cares about. Jon Stewart was given the ‘What’ treatment and seriously WWE just couldn’t follow up to a pro- wrestling phenomenon such as NXT Takeover last night.Seriously, a developmental program took over one of the biggest PPV’s the WWE puts across each year. One would think that the main roster will learn something from them but tonight wasn’t the night.Here are the five biggest losers from this years Summerslam-

#5 The Intercontinental Title

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Ryback Vs Big Show Vs The Miz

It’ll be great if the feud between Ryback and Big Show is over. As promising as Ryback is their feud has been detrimental in bringing any relevance to this title. The Miz is great at playing his character. But Creative has done nothing to make this feud seem interesting.

If this feud id over, it’s a big relief to anybody who wants the IC title to gain its prestige back.

This match was one of the few matches that had no storyline whatsoever.

#4 Sheamus and Randy Orton

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Sheamus and Orton had the first match of the night

Whenever these two guys meet for a match, there is no proper storyline. They were part of that Raw after Wrestlemania episode where the crowd was chanting for everyone but them. Tonight at Summerslam, Orton actually managed many to get by his side but as a match to start the show, the fans just did not know what to care about. Sure, the match was decent but there was no storyline element. That hurt this bout in a big way.

#3 Rusev and Ziggler

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Rusev Vs Ziggler is not over

Nothing, absolutely nothing, was solved here.

This feud does not look like it’s over and why is WWE continuing this poor excuse for a feud? The double count out finish was the worst thing that could happen right now. It meant that this saga still has legs according to Creative. Ziggler and Rusev deserve better.

This feud has some really good performers but they’re still somewhat getting wasted.

#2 Roman Reigns

Reigns still got boo’d.

Well, if WWE thought that pairing him with brother Ambrose will save him from the boos, they were wrong. Reigns was booed throughout. Even his hot tag attempt was greeted with boos. And when he was selling the ringside attack, Ambrose was left alone in the ring to take the assault from the Wyatts. That made the arena chant “Roman’s sleeping’.

All his signature moves were met with boos.

Well, that isn’t something you’d want to continue.

#1 The main roster Divas

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No Revolution here!

This was boring. 24 hours after the women at NXT Takeover: Brooklyn stole the show with the best match and the best story, the main roster divas division lived up to the expectations bestowed upon it. There was no story, no character development. It was chaos for the major part. You just couldn’t figure out a way to care. Lynch picked up the win for her team. That was the only faint silver lining.

But how could WWE even think this was acceptable after what took place a night ago? This match at Summerslam just exposed the sham that is the ‘Revolution’. The real revolution took place at NXT without anybody screaming about it week after week.