Recent gimmick changes that have failed horribly in the WWE

Arjun R

A gimmick is a unique or quirky special feature that makes something "stand out" from its contemporaries'.The WWE has toyed around with the idea of 'repackaging' superstars and giving them new gimmicks after initial failures to try to make them more relevant in today's scenario. You have to give the WWE credit for trying to get things done from their end of the bargain. It is however the superstars who need to 'stand out' in their roles to attract the attention.Some have picked up their new avatars and created wonders whereas others disappear after a torrid time. Let us have a look at some of those gimmicks changes that have failed miserably in recent times.

#1 Drew McIntyre

Let us start the countdown with our very own 'chosen one' Drew McIntyre. The lanky lad from Scotland was handpicked by Mr McMahon and seemed destined for greatness. But just like the title of his theme song, all he had to deal with was 'broken dreams'.

That's right, McIntyre went from being the 'chosen one' to the 'discarded one' in a short span of time. The lad had potential no doubt, but could not do justice to the hype that surrounded him.

The WWE now put him under the 3MB banner to try to make him more relavant. But we all know the story behind what 3MB are destined to do, 'Lose'. McIntyre makes regular appearances along with his fellow bandmates on all of WWE's flagship shows. But he certainly is not the star who he was destined to be and 3MB don't aid his missions either.

#2 Tensai

Prince Albert became A Train, a hard hitting bulky fighting machine. He was one of the 'heavyweights' that made Smackdown his home and picked up feuds with the Undertaker, Kurt Angle and other top draw WWE superstars. He was released eventually and faded into oblivion for quite a while.

Then came a day when the WWE brought out a superstar by the name 'lord Tensai', who looked like A Train with a bad tattoo job right across on the face. Tensai dominated his opponents for around a few months before being repackaged as 'Sweet T', a singing and dancing gimmick, considered to be Brodus Clay's twin from Planet Funk.

All the legendary Japanese stories that surrounded Tensai were soon forgotten and he is now inactive in the WWE.

A-Train - Tensai - Sweet T - What next?

#3 Los Matadores

Carlito was one of those wrestlers who enjoyed a great stint in the WWE. So, we assumed that his brothers, namely Primo and Epico would also do justice to the colon family tag. That 'assumption' was totally wrong.

Both superstars failed miserably in their initial gimmicks and were out of action for quite sometime before the WWE started airing promos for a 'spanish matador' based tag team.

It then came to light that it was indeed our very own Primo and Epico, who were repackaged as 'Los Matadores' and they were also given a 'bull' as second or should I say third fiddle.

In case you have seen the WWE recently, you will notice that 'El Torito' or the bull has much more popularity than these two guys. It is tough to decide who plays second fiddle now.

The gimmick has failed to get the desired response and I am afraid these guys need some fresh ideas to survive.

#4 Sin Cara

Sin Cara, unlike the others mentioned in the list is a 'character' rathar than a superstar. News is that that 'original' Sin Cara has been released from the WWE and the guy who played the 'fake Sin Cara; replaces him.

The character redefines the word 'botch' as the cluminess he brings to the ring is left for all to be seen. He has been the butt of a lot of internet jokes that does not add up to his legacy either.

Sin Cara was a character that the WWE loved to see. People visualized epic bouts between him and Rey Mysterio and thought that this 'high flyer' was entertaining and here to stay. The WWE made several wrong bookings and Sin Cara did not do much justice either.

He is still around in the WWE as we speak but is in dire straits. So much for this Mexican legend who was tipped to become the next Rey Mysterio .

#5 Wade Barrett

The leader of the notorious Nexus and a former Intercontinental champion in his own rights, Wade Barrett was destined to become one of WWE's finest recruits.

He had the attitude, the leadership skill, the arrogance and the offence to strike it big in the industry. The WWE struck the right chord with Barrett and all was well until they decided to 'reward' him with a new gimmick. A character that found great pleasure in delivering bad news to fellow superstars and the WWE universe. A gimmick they called 'Bad news Barrett'

He did the job the gimmick demanded.Agreed. But the impact was far from the expected result. Barrett played the role to no avail and fans started finding it extremely boring.

It is ironic that this gimmick earned Barrett more 'bad news' than it did to they guys he delivered news to.