Four WWE wrestlers who could have a huge 2016

‘The Lunatic Champion’ - Would this be a familiar sight in 2016?

The Lunatic Fringe needs a solid 2016There are times when wrestlers don’t make the cut or are buried like burning trash. WWE has a habit of taking a chance of characters, and if does not work out, then the company moves on to other talents. It’s a pecking order of sorts. But it wasn’t always that way.In most cases back in a Hulk Hogan-led WWF, characters rose to the top of the food chain, got in the ring with Hogan or whoever held the belt. If they lost, they were repackaged at some point and they went on to have solid, if not spectacular careers.If they won, well then they held onto the title long enough for Hogan to make a movie or take a short siesta, and then dropped the belt to a returning Hulkster. These days, titles mean little, so the focus is on performance and selling the product.These wrestlers are just heating up or need 2015 to end so they can try something new. Could they be top stars and headliners in the coming year? I hope so. There is too much talent on this list not to see them in a main event match.Here are four wrestlers who could have big years in 2016.

#1 Dean Ambrose

‘The Lunatic Champion’ - Would this be a familiar sight in 2016?

Seeing Dean Ambrose open Raw on Monday night and his vignette with Randy Orton gave me hope WWE will at some point finally get it right and make him a main event star.

It’s hard to take anyone with that type of character seriously, but Ambrose is the perfect balance to the stressfully rich story of Seth Rollins and Kane or the tension that needs to happen between John Cena and Dolph Ziggler.

We already know what Ambrose can do in a main event match, having taken Seth Rollins to the limit on many occasions. In my mind, that type of feud works so well in the company right now and should be a go-to scenario when John Cena leaves.

Could Ambrose ride a wave of momentum into the new year and somehow come away with the Royal Rumble win? You bet. The only question would be whether fans were rooting for him as a face or as a heel.

#2 Kofi Kingston

Another run as a singles competitior?

Kingston has dazzled the WWE faithful for years with some outrageous moves during the Rumble match. It should happen again.

Kingston was a crowd favorite and a solid mid-card performer who won mid-level titles and took Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler to their limits. In his case, however, being a face wrestler and winning top-line gold did not match. His union with the New Day is a perfect spot for him because he can shine and does not have to lead in any way.

If there is a way for WWE creative to take Kingston’s current character and make him a singles star again, I sure would like to see it. He is charismatic, a solid performer and sells for his opponents. Being a heel, in this case, helps Kingston. I think it is something WWE should think about as a potential main event star moving forward.

#3 Cody Rhodes

A wasted talent

Rhodes might have the most talent on WWE’s roster that is not being used effectively enough.

He is great in his new comic book character, but I think his talents are being wasted where could be a solid performer on the mid-card level or even another tag team specialist, as he has been before. Rhodes looked to get a push in the middle of his feud with Damien Sandow but has fallen off a bit since.

Even as a tag team champion with his brother, Goldust, Rhodes should have continued rising up the company ranks. Could 2016 be a year where Rhodes gets another push? It’s hard to say since there are other talents being brought in to challenge on the main event and higher mid card ladder.

This is a stretch of course and it is my opinion. Rhodes could be added back to the tag team division, or be given a chance to shine. Hopefully creative will see they can use him in many roles, which makes him that much more marketable.

#4 Wade Barrett

Bad News Barret needs to be back

Timing and injuries have hurt Barrett over the past three years. Once considered a lock to hold the WWE World Title, he isn’t even getting a sniff at mid-card belts now. And remember he was an Intercontinental Champion.

Barrett has great size and ability and is a true heel if there ever was one in this company. He has recently made the statement he would love to get into the tag team division (Sheamus, are you listening) and should he do that, would be dominant.

Barrett’s problem is booking him for anything other than a brute in a company now made of versatile wrestlers is an issue. I would love to see him in a program with Kevin Owens or Cesaro, but that is wishful thinking. He is also one of those wrestlers who needs 2015 to end as quickly as possible.