5 possible feuds for a returning Chris Jericho

WWE’s depleted roster will soon get a boost in the form of a returning Chris Jericho. The human highlight reel is expected to sign a new deal before this week’s SmackDown but nothing is known about what the company has in store for him.Jericho’s last run turned out to be a botch fest despite the feud he had with Bray Wyatt was hyped as a big thing. Just when he was getting the hang of things again, Jericho was taken out of television which didn’t work well either.At the age of 44, there is still some pretty good years left in Jericho’s career but this spell would be clearly be one of his twilight ones. And here is a look at some of the potential feuds that Jericho could have when he finally returns.

#5 John Cena

Chris Jericho is one of those rare talents in the professional wrestling business who could make John Cena look like the bad guy.

The fans have been crying out loud for a heel turn from Cena and since that is not happening anytime soon, the closest thing they could have to a heel Cena is someone projecting Cena as the bad guy.

By this way, the company could keep their precious little Cenation leader safe as a babyface in front of his fans and let the other half of the WWE Universe enjoy when Cena gets attacked verbally by the inventor of everything.

These two have locked horns multiple times in the past and from what we know, another feud between the two would also turn out to be a great outing. Also, since Cena needs a buffer feud till Lesnar comes back, this would be a best for business move.

#4 Ryback

While most of the scenarios in this list pit Jericho as a babyface, this one actually works in reverse. The fans are well aware of the effectiveness of Jericho as a heel and he could use this same talent to help Ryback.

The big guy returned to WWE programming recently for a new face run and has been getting a lot of positive reaction from the crowd.

There is this possibility of Ryback being part of Team Cena as well but he would need a credible feud afterwards. That’s were Jericho steps in.

WWE messed up Ryback’s face run last time around, but this time, with the help of Jericho, things might turn out better for everyone involved. Hopefully, Ryback would come out as a big player while Jericho can go into another break with full satisfaction.

#3 Rusev

The Bulgarian Brute is currently having the best phase of his short career. He hasn’t been defeated cleanly by anyone and also has the United States Championship around his waist.

The problem that Rusev now faces is the lack of opponents. He had matches with almost all the midcarders and there is only the main event left for Rusev to venture.

He desperately needs a transitional feud to help him reach the Main Event scene and Jericho is the best bet. Jericho can challenge Rusev for the United States Championship and have a multi pay-per-view feud to put over the monster.

Also, the verbal battle between Lana and Jericho would be funny to the core as we are sure to get our bones tickled with some Jericho invented jokes.

#2 Tyson Kidd

This might not look like a good idea at first but it’s what Tyson Kidd needs at the moment. At this age, the best thing that Jericho could do is to put over the struggling talent.

Despite having the talent both inside and outside the squared circle, Kidd has been finding it hard to make a name for himself. The recent angle that the company is running with Natalya and Kidd has the potential to draw big money if and only if Kidd has the right opponent.

Jericho meets all the requirements needed for the same and an in-ring battle between the duo would be mouthwatering to say the least.

Kidd would benefit big time by sharing the spotlight with Jericho and WWE would end up with a great talent in their hand once the feud will be over.

#1 Team Authority

With Jericho’s new deal happening soon, it would only be sensible to include him in the Survivor Series match card and what is the biggest angle he could walk into? Of course, it’s the main event scene.

Team Cena has a certain lack of members before their big clash with Team Authority and since Jericho comes with a wealth of experience in these type of matches, he would be an ideal companion for the Cenation leader.

Cena, Ziggler, Jericho and the possible additions of Ryback and Sheamus make up a great lineup for the main event and who wouldn’t love another verbal battle between Jericho and Stephanie McMahon?

It’s would be the best way to reintroduce Jericho into the television programming as he would get a lot of momentum from being in the main event scene.