3 Possible endings for the Sheamus - Reigns match on RAW

Triple H will return to take revenge soon.

Lesnar may equalize things for Reigns.It is imperative to say that Sheamus Vs Reigns at TLC 2015 changed a lot of perceptions. The company was dealing with rapidly deteriorating ratings and some appalling writing before that.That match had no heat heading to TLC but perceptions changed a little after they went for some relentless moves and put their bodies on the line to tell a story – that the championship they were fighting for was worth every single scar.But perceptions changed a hell lot when Reigns went on to destroy Triple H and any other superstar who came in his way.And now it feels right to see him as Champion. Here are the 3 possible endings for the Sheamus - Reigns match on RAW-

#1 \'King of Kings\' hits the arena

Triple H will return to take revenge soon.

If Sheamus loses on Monday, that simply means he just couldn’t get the job done in spite of Vince McMahon being the special referee.

If Sheamus wins then Reigns will be dismantled by the League of Nations and Vince McMahon. Either way, if Reigns stands to be attacked with such an army, it’ll be fitting to see Triple H join this vicious party to get back at Reigns and take matters in his own hands.

It is rumored that these two will start a program soon for the Royal Rumble and Monday could be the start.

#2 Reigns overcomes alone

It’s been him versus the world all along

Either they will be going the Stone Cold way or they will be going the John Cena way.

If they go the John Cena way then Reigns will overcome the odds alone and live to tell the tale about it. He might make Vince McMahon so dazed and confused with his Superman Punch or spear for the chairman to make the three count without even realizing what he’s done.

And while that may be a typical character arc for a babyface, it depends to be seen if it’ll look better in execution because on paper it simply doesn’t.

#3 Reigns overcomes with some help

Reigns may just get help from his last Wrestlemania opponent

Isn’t that the story they’re telling with Roman Reigns?

It’s been him versus the world for the longest time, but now that he has earned a few more supporters – the capitalistic, atrocious, authoritative, evil boss versus an individual struggling with this authoritative system seems to be working.

It worked for Austin and they’re recycling the idea for Reigns.

Expect the League of Nations to be there as Vincent Kennedy McMahon’s backup just in case, but the boss will likely try to take matters in his own hand and settle it once and for all. This sounds a bit eerily similar to Stone Cold vs Dude Love at Over The Edge in 1998.

If that’s the case then someone will play the role of The Undertaker who choke slammed Vince’s lackey’s then. Since Dean Ambrose is injured, how about a certain beast who returns to television just before he’s actually set to face Sheamus at a live event on January 8th?

Brock Lesnar may just be Reigns equalizer and this will perfectly set the road for Royal Rumble, which Lesnar is rumored to participate in and win.