TNA Genesis Results (1/26/2017)

Impact Wrestling put on a stacked card for ‘Genesis’

Impact Wrestling embarked on a new journey with ‘Genesis’ last night. The main attraction of the show was a 30 minute Iron Man Match between current champion Eddie Edwards and challenger Bobby Lashley.

The Broken Hardys started the show with Reby Hardy playing the piano and King Maxel strapped to her back. Brother Nero held the Race for The Case briefcase. Broken Matt claimed that the Hardys were the greatest Tag Team in all of space and time.

Brother Nero pointed at the briefcase and revealed that he would use it at next week’s Fight Night. He suggested that it was perhaps time for ‘The Charismatic Enigma’ to win the TNA World Title again.

Broken Matt Hardy then announced that the seven deities had greeted him with a very vivid premonition. Matt said that he saw how the Hardys started a tag team revolution. He stated that they needed to acquire every piece of gold that has existed.

The DCC made their way to the ring. James Storm said that the only revolution that the Hardy’s needed to worry about was the DCC. Storm stated that they had their own plans of cashing their briefcase in at next week’s Fight Night.

Just at that moment, Decay came out to the ring. Steve took the microphone and said that he wanted to kill two birds with one stone. Steve challenged the DCC, and the Hardys and the three teams started brawling in the ring.

#1 The Hardys (c) vs. Decay w/ Rosemary vs. DCC w/James Storm for the TNA World Tag Team Championships

The Hardys defended the tag team championships in a triple threat match. Bram and Matt opened the match with some initial back and forth. Crazzy Steve managed to tag into the match. The DCC controlled the match for the first few minutes, but Abyss got into the mix of things and turned the tables.

He took down both DCC members with a double clothesline. Brother Nero tagged himself in and took down Abyss. Brother Nero was knocked off the top ropes by Crazzy Steve and Abyss brought him down with a clothesline.

Just as Abyss was ready to go for the chokeslam, Bram tagged in, and DCC triple teamed Brother Nero. Brother Nero fought off the DCC and tagged in Matt. Matt took down Kingston with a Side Effect.

Matt had downed Steve and Kingston before Bram knocked down The Broken One. Chaos broke out as Bram and Abyss entered the ring. Kingston hit Hardy with an STO for a near fall.

Crazzy Steve spewed Kingston with the mist allowing Matt to pick up the win after a Twist of Fate.

Result: The Hardys defeated The Decay & The DCC to retain the TNA World Tag Team Titles

#2 Drew Galloway (c) vs. Moose for the Impact Grand Championship

The new Impact Grand Champion Drew Galloway made it to the ring and gloated about how he beat Moose and Eddie Edwards in his last two matches. He laid out an open challenge for his championship and Moose responded.

Round One of the match started with an all out brawl. Moose grabbed the initiative with two big boots on Drew. Moose upped the ante with a powerbomb, a senton and a moonsault.

Drew moved to the outside to get his act together, and the two men exchanged shots near the guardrail. Galloway dropped Moose neck first into the guardrails. Round one came to an end with Moose hitting a powerbomb on Drew on the ring apron. The all judges scored the round 10-9 in favor of Moose.

Round Two began with Drew pretending to head back into the locker room. He then ran back into the ring and tried to surprise Moose. Moose countered with a “Go to Hell” for another near fall.

Moose then hit the game changer on Drew but Drew managed to get a low blow in as he was going down. Galloway hit a Claymore on Moose for a two count. The two men continued to brawl in the ring and Drew accidentally hit the referee.

He used this to hit another low blow on Moose and picked up the win with The Future Shock DDT on Moose.

Result: Drew Galloway defeated Moose by pinfall in Round 2 to retain The Impact Grand Championship

In the meantime, Braxton Sutter and Laurel Van Ness were having a date. The topic shifted to Allie and Laurel said that she forgave Sutter for teaching Allie how to wrestle. Sutter was having a terrible time and kept drinking wine directly from the bottle to cope with Laurel.

#3 Rosemary (c) vs. Jade in a Monster’s Ball Match for the Knockouts Championship

Jade was ready for Rosemary and jumped off the top of the ring as Rosemary was making her way to the ring. Rosemary threw Jade into the ring and took a trash can filled with weapons into the ring.

Rosemary hit Jade with a trash can lid and a kendo stick, but Jade kicked out of the cover. Rosemary then tried to suplex Jade into a pile of thumbtacks, but Jade countered and hit a missile dropkick on Rosemary.

Jade then hit Rosemary with a belt and a kendo stick. Jade suplexed Rosemary into the stack of thumbtacks in the ring. She covered Rosemary for a near fall. Rosemary attempted to spew Jade with the mist, but Jade used the trash can lid as a shield.

Rosemary introduced a barb wired board and tried to hit Jade with the “Red Wedding” on top of it. Jade countered and pushed Rosemary into the barbed wire. She then placed the barb wired board on Rosemary and hit a moonsault off the middle rope.

Jade set up a table while Rosemary recovered. As Jade was going to hit a 450 splash on Rosemary, the Knockouts Champion suplexed Jade through the table and pinned her for the win.

Result: Rosemary defeated Jade to retain The TNA Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim rushed to the ring after the match to check on Jade and was spewed with the Purple Mist by Rosemary. Rosemary left the arena with Kim and Jade lying in the ring.

#4 DJZ (c) vs. Trevor Lee vs. Andrew Everett vs. Marshe Rockett vs. Caleb Konley for the TNA X-Division Championship

The match started off with an insane spot as four out of the five men were locked in a multi-man neckbreaker.

DJZ attempted to pin everyone after this move but was unable to get a win. Everett then hit a corkscrew dive off the ropes and onto the competitors outside the ring. After some more high flying action, the Helms Dynasty teamed up on Marshe.

Lee covered him for a near fall, but Everett broke it up. Conley hit a Cradle Suplex on Trevor Lee, but the pinfall was broken by Everett with a Shooting Star Press. DJZ used the opportunity to hit Everett with a wicked ZDT for the victory.

Result: DJZ defeated Trevor Lee, Andrew Everett, Marshe Rockett & Caleb Konley to retain The X Division Championship

After the match, Lee and Helms attacked DJZ with a chair. Lee stuck DJZ’s ankle several times with the steel chair. The duo looked like they would cash in their briefcase next week on Open Fight Night.

The action then shifted backstage where Eddie Edwards implored Davey Richards not to interfere in his match with Bobby Lashley.

#5 Eddie Edwards (c) vs. Bobby Lashley in a 30 minute Iron Man Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

The match started off with a lot of back and forth. Edwards bounced Lashley's head on the steel steps. He rolled Lashley into the ring, but Lashley caught him with a sidewalk slam for a two count.

Lashley went for a power slam, but Edwards made it back onto his feet. Edwards hit Lashley with a back elbow, but Lashley got the first pinfall with a devastating spear. Lashley then pounded on Edwards in the corner and got him in a reverse chin lock.

Edwards retaliated with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Edwards had Lashley trapped with the Boston Crab, but Lashley made it to the ropes. The action shifted outside the ring when Lashley went over the top rope with a belly to belly suplex.

Lashley then power bombed Edwards on the ramp to get another count out victory and a 2-0 lead.

As Edwards made his way back into the ring, Lashley exposed one of the turnbuckles. Lashley then hit a German Suplex on Edwards. He went for a spear but Edwards sidestepped it, and Lashley crashed head first into the exposed turnbuckle allowing Edwards to pin him to make the scoreline 2-1.

The action shifted to the ramp once again as Edwards countered a German Suplex to hit Lashley with a Boston Knee Party. Both men crawled back into the ring and Edwards connected with another Boston Knee Party to even things out at 2-2 with just six minutes remaining on the clock.

Edwards then took the action outside the ring with a suicide dive. Lashley got into the ring and speared Edwards for another near fall. Edwards got in a Boston Knee Party but this time only for a two count. Edwards then went for a Huricanrana but was power bombed by Lashley.

Lashley then caught Edwards in the Anaconda Vice forcing Edwards to tap out and getting the score to 3-2.

Lashley then rolled out of the ring to waste time and got into a heated argument with the Pope. Edwards brought Lashley into the ring and attempted to hit a Boston Knee Party, but Lashley reversed it into a Spine Buster with just one minute remaining.

Lashley went for another spear, but Edwards caught Lashley in the Hell’s Gate. But unfortunately, time ran out for Edwards and Lashley won the match.

Result: Bobby Lashley defeated Eddie Edwards 3-2 in an Iron Man Match to become the TNA World Heavyweight Champion

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Edited by Staff Editor