Shakamon vs Arceus: Who might win in this Pokemon X Digimon clash?

Shakamon vs Arceus: Who might win in this Pokemon X Digimon clash?
Would Shakamon or Arceus win in a hypothetical Digimon X Pokemon battle? (Image via Bandai/The Pokemon Company)

The Pokemon vs Digimon debate has raged on for decades in various forms. Fans have been wondering whether some Digital Monsters can defeat certain Pocket Monsters in a hypothetical battle. Among these speculated fights, it's hard to imagine a more reality-shifting battle than that between Shakamon and Arceus. In this battle, Arceus would likely be the victor due to its lore.

Both Shakamon and Arceus are considered god-like beings in their respective universes. Shakamon is the closest being to the host computer of Yggdrassill in the Digital World, while Arceus is considered to be the creator of the Pokemon universes and timelines and all those who reside within them.

Be that as it may, it's worth examining the hypothetical matchup between Shakamon and Arceus to determine why the latter has the upper hand. Since these two creatures are from very different series concerning gameplay, it's best to mash them up based on lore and abilities.

Note: Some aspects of this article are subjective and solely reflect the opinions of the writer

Examining why Shakamon defeats Arceus in a Digimon X Pokemon clash

Shakamon's lore and abilities

Shakamon in Digimon New Century (Image via Android-X/YouTube)
Shakamon in Digimon New Century (Image via Android-X/YouTube)

An Ultimate-level Vaccine-type Tathāgata Digimon, Shakamon is considered to be the closest being to Yggdrassill, the host computer that manages the Digital World (not to be confused with the World Tree of Yggdrassil of Norse mythology, though they share significant similarities). It has protected the Eastern Digital World since ancient times and is considered a creature of love and enlightenment.

Be that as it may, Shakamon is capable of conflict when the need arises. However, in contrast to many Digimon, it wins battles by pacifying its challengers instead of beating them down.

By using its Enlightened Pilgrim Palm, Shakamon forces opponents to battle an illusion on top of its hand endlessly until they are mentally and physically exhausted and realize that conflict is meaningless.

Meanwhile, Shakamon uses its Light of the Spider's Thread to purify corrupted Digimon by affixing them with a blinding halo that cannot be avoided. Lastly, the creature can use its Mantra of Neglect, applying its thundering voice to send enemies careening beyond the horizon to cease their hostilities.

Shakamon is also said to have a comprehensive understanding of the machinations of heaven and earth, giving it knowledge that reaches well beyond the constraints of the Digital World. Its enlightened state allows it to resolve conflict without violence, pacifying challengers before they ever throw the first blow or forcing them to attack an illusion until they cannot continue.

Arceus' lore and abilities

Arceus in Pokemon Legends: Arceus (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Arceus in Pokemon Legends: Arceus (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Suspected to be the creator of the entire Pokemon multiverse, Arceus is said to have emerged from an egg existing within nothingness, which hatched and created universes and all the worlds, people, and Pocket Monsters within them. The critter is directly attributed as the creator of the Sinnoh and Ransei regions.

Arceus is speculated to have created reality alongside creatures considered its subordinates, including the Lake Guardians Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, as well as the time-weaving Dialga, the space-altering Palkia, and the shadowy Giratina. It has been seen altering the very fabric of reality, halting time, and restoring that which was damaged. It can also split its body into a physical and dimensional form.

The true form of Arceus, and even its real name, is said to be incomprehensible to people and Pokemon, but it is capable of understanding the speech of both.

In battle, Arceus can use the power of its held item Plates to change its elemental type or use its Judgment move to exploit an opponent's weakness when using the Legend Plate.

Arceus' ability Multitype allows it to change its elemental type (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Arceus' ability Multitype allows it to change its elemental type (Image via The Pokemon Company)

In addition to being able to learn a massive collection of Pokemon moves, Arceus' signature attack, Judgment, is capable of immediately disintegrating its target and its surroundings. It can also use the special moves Spacial Rend, Roar of Time, and Shadow Force that are otherwise exclusive to Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina, respectively.

Although Arceus is certainly beatable in Pokemon video games, it's speculated that it isn't using its full power in this context. This is corroborated based on its lore in the greater franchise, showing that it has the ability to warp the fabric of time, space, and nature all on its own.

However, as a deity-level mythical Pocket Monster, Arceus usually remains out of sight of others and exercises restraint when using its great power.


Arceus surrounded by its Plates in the Pokemon anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Arceus surrounded by its Plates in the Pokemon anime (Image via The Pokemon Company)

While Shakamon is undoubtedly an incredibly powerful being, Arceus has an advantage over it on a neutral battleground. While Shakamon's Enlightened Pilgrim's Palm creates an illusion to force opponents into giving up, Arceus' mastery of time, space, and reality would likely allow it to dispel or see through any illusions that could hamper the use of its Judgment move.

With mastery over time, Arceus can see attacks made against it before they happen by peering into the future, and ostensibly gazing into timelines where it has achieved victory, working backward from that point and following the sequence of events it needs to. Without Enlightened Pilgrim's Palm, Shakamon's repertoire of battle capabilities is significantly hampered.

Arceus is simply too versatile, and its control of reality itself began before there was even a universe of Pokemon at all. This would likely mean that its interdimensional power could extend well beyond its home universe. It may not have dominion over the Digital World like Shakamon, but if neither combatant had a home-field advantage, Arceus could shape the battleground to its liking.

A restrained Arceus would likely have a difficult time against Shakamon and could even lose. However, Arceus' full power defies the understanding of any person or creature in the Pokemon universe.

Shakamon may comprehend heaven and earth, but Arceus is a being above all understanding when in its purest form. Shakamon could certainly put up a fight, but Arceus' lore still points to it as the victor.

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