Which lane should Duraludon be played in Pokemon Unite?

Duraludon's Dragon Pulse is an incredibly strong ability (Image via TiMi Studios)
Duraludon's Dragon Pulse is an incredibly strong ability (Image via TiMi Studios)

Now that the Durlaudon meta is forming in Pokemon Unite, gamers are debating where it should be played.

Avid fans should be familiar with the 2-2-1 format of playing the game: two characters go top, two characters go bottom, and one character goes into the jungle. While there are deviations to this, gamers have been experimenting with sending Pokemon to different places (e.g., Greninja going into the jungle). It’s pretty hard, though, to figure out where Duraludon should go.

New character with amazing potential in Pokemon Unite


The technical answer to this question is that Durlaudon should go into the top lane. Pokemon Unite classifies Duraludon as an Attacker, and Attackers are “supposed” to go top lane with a Defender to support them.

That doesn’t stop gamers from placing Attackers in different areas, though. For example, Greninja and Cinderace are two Attackers who prefer to go into the jungle. It can be hard for them to lane at times, but they can get to level 5 quickly if they take the jungle.

Surprisingly, many gamers have been doing the same thing with Duraludon. Although it’s a one-stage Pokemon that doesn’t need to evolve, gamers prefer to put Duraludon in the jungle so that it gets Dragon Pulse early.

Now, anyone who’s loaded up the game in the past few days should know how insanely powerful Duraludon gets with Dragon Pulse available. It can simply auto from range, and once it gets enough stacks, Dragon Pulse usually cleans up the enemy quickly.

Dragon Pulse has a very long range (Image via TiMi Studios)
Dragon Pulse has a very long range (Image via TiMi Studios)

For that reason, the best place for Duraludon in the solo queue is likely the jungle. If players can ensure that they get Dragon Pulse early, they can snowball the game out of control and carry the team.

It might be a different case in duos/trios/five stacks. If Duraludon is on a team with Cinderace, Greninja, or Gardevoir, they might want to consider giving the other players the jungle. This is because those other three need to evolve.

Duraludon doesn’t have a particularly strong laning phase, but it can get early kills just due to its high damage output. Teams might be better off doing that than watching Ralts struggle to stay alive in the top lane.

The bottom line is there is no wrong place to play Duraludon in. It’s more of a matter of helping out the team and putting them in the best possible scenario. If Duraludon is being played in the solo queue, all of that goes out the window; players should go and carry games.