Pokemon GO players unhappy with logo of rarely used feature, Reddit reacts

Official artwork for Niantic
Official artwork for Niantic's Campfire app (Image via Niantic)

Pokemon GO has had its fair share of questionable features and mechanics from time to time. While most of these typically get removed or reworked into something much better, one particular stain on many players' map screens is starting to irritate the game's online community as they ask for a way to somehow remove it.

This icon everpresent on the player's screen is the new button that links the popular mobile title to the app developed by Niantic, Campfire. Although Campfire was originally introduced as a way for players to easily coordinate events and raids with other nearby players, most online find this feature, and the icon associated with it, incredibly annoying.

Reddit reacts to Pokemon GO's new Campfire button

Posted on the Pokemon GO subreddit, u/Seggule shared their dissatisfaction with the new permenant addition to the game's main map view. This is the button that opens the menu where players can access Campfire to use the app from the game to find other players. However, many other players have shared similar frustrations with this new button, with some not even knowing what it is for.

Comment byu/Seggule from discussion inpokemongo
Comment byu/Seggule from discussion inpokemongo

The Campfire app is a social media-esque application where players can meet up with other users of the app in the same area to take on Raid Battles together. However, many players feel that Campfire may be unsafe to use due to having to interact with total strangers in most cases. This can be quite dangerous, especially for younger players.

The worst part about this feature for many players is that this button cannot be hidden from the settings menu, even for those who do not have Campfire available in their country. From what players report, the only way to get rid of this button on is by installing the app on a Samsung device from the phone's app store.

Comment byu/Seggule from discussion inpokemongo
Comment byu/Seggule from discussion inpokemongo

On the oposite side of the spectrum, there are players claiming that this has been one of the most helpful icons Niantic has ever added. Using the view of Campfire from Pokemon GO, players can see a wider spread of the map, allowing them to communicate with other players for long-distance raids.

This app can be incredibly useful in urban settings where Pokemon GO is a massively popular social experience. Being able to see and coordinate with more players is always helpful where such events are common. Sadly, this sentiment is not shared by players who live in rural areas or smaller cities where less people play Pokemon GO.

Comment byu/Seggule from discussion inpokemongo
Comment byu/Seggule from discussion inpokemongo

Overall, the response to Niantic's Campfire app being integrated into Pokemon GO is mixed. A great way to fix the issues players are having with this button constantly appearing on their map would be to allow the player to toggle the feature on or off in the Settings menu.

Moving the feature to the game's main menu instead would also be a potential solution. This would keep the feature relatively close by for when they want to use it, while also giving those who find the grey icon's constant appearance on their screen annoying the choice to not see it on their map.