Palworld x Pokemon: Who will win in an all out war?

Palworld x Pokemon: Who will win in an all out war.
Palworld x Pokemon: Who will win in an all out war (Image via TPC || Pocketpair, Inc.)

Palworld x Pokemon would be a chaotic mashup in which we're throwing logic out the window and diving headfirst into a dream scenario: a full-blown brawl between the breakout hit Palworld and the reigning monster-catching champion, Pokemon.

Buckle up, trainers and Pal tamers, because we're about to dive into the speculative world of Palworld x Pokemon, where "guns" might just be the deciding factor in this exciting matchup.

Note: This article is speculative and solely reflects the writer's opinions. Only the original 151 Pokemon from Gen I and 137 Pals released in the first update have been taken into consideration.

Palworld x Pokemon: What works in favor of Pokemon

Charizard as seen in the anime (Image via TPC)
Charizard as seen in the anime (Image via TPC)

When talking about Palworld x Pokemon, the latter brings a whole new level of power to the table. Legendary Pokemon like Mewtwo, a psychic hybrid, can mess with minds on a mass scale. A single Mewtwo could potentially turn a whole Pal army against their own trainers.

Things get even crazier with Pokemon's evolution system. Evolutions generally make Pokemon stronger and better, adding unique abilities and skills. To top it off, some Kanto Pokemon like Charizard and Blastoise can Mega Evolve, becoming temporary titans that could smash through entire Pal battalions.

Pokemon have access to a variety of stat-boosting items like Focus Sash, which can potentially prevent an instant death, giving them an edge in a Palworld x Pokemon battle.

Palworld x Pokemon: Where Palworld shines

Palworld manages to outshine Pokemon in certain aspects (Image via Pocketpair, Inc.)
Palworld manages to outshine Pokemon in certain aspects (Image via Pocketpair, Inc.)

Let's not forget where Palworld truly shines. While Pokemon boasts legendary creatures and elemental mastery, the Palworld x Pokemon battle can take an unusual turn with Pals having access to guns.

A squadron of Lifmunks with their SMGs, or a group of Tanzees with Assault Rifles can potentially shred any Pokemon with their SMGs if they're not careful enough. And then there's Palworld's Girzzbolt, with a gattling gun.

Even the strongest Cloyster with supreme defense would fall in front of a tumultuous firepower. This unexpected element could seriously disrupt a Pokemon attack, forcing them to rethink strategies.

A Pal army is not just a ragtag bunch of cute critters, but a well-defended force, especially with their crafting abilities. Pals can create defensive structures like metal walls to defend against Pokemon attacks. At the same time, they can adhere to the age-old saying of "the best defense is a good offense," by building barracks and traps that can be used as an offensive countermeasure.

Palworld x Pokemon: Facing off legendaries

The Legendary Bird trio from Pokemon (Image via TPC)
The Legendary Bird trio from Pokemon (Image via TPC)

In Pokemon, a complete team usually has six monsters, as compared to Palworld's five Pal teams. However, the original 151 Pokemon only have a total of five legendaries, making the battle much fairer than what we'd like it to be.

Five Legendary Pokemon from Gen I:

  • Articuno
  • Moltres
  • Zapdos
  • Mew
  • Mewtwo

Legendary Pals from the original 137 released:

  • Jetragon
  • Frostallion
  • Paladius
  • Necromus
Jetragon in Palworld (Image via Pocketpair, Inc.)
Jetragon in Palworld (Image via Pocketpair, Inc.)

The key to this Palworld x Pokemon battle is going to be the type advantages, and we're looking at Mew, Mewtwo, and Necromus as the impact players here. Necromus is one of the strongest Dark-type Pals out there, and its weakness is the Dragon-type, which the Pokemon Legendaries do not offer. Sure, you could add the pseudo-legendary Dragonite to the fray, but in a head-to-head with the legendaries, Necromus holds an advantage.

Mew and Mewtwo are indeed the ultimate wild cards. Psychic powers are an enigma in Palworld, potentially leaving Pals with no defense against their mind-bending abilities. Mewtwo, the genetically engineered Pokemon, can undergo Mega Evolution mid-battle, transforming into a towering behemoth that can potentially crush entire Pal battalions with a single psychic blast.

Palworld x Pokemon: The verdict

Pokemon takes the victory (Image via TPC)
Pokemon takes the victory (Image via TPC)

Honestly, this war is too close to call. However, Pokemon is likely to win with its superior combat abilities. Palworld's sheer numbers and diverse pals could wear down even the strongest Pokemon teams, sure. But underestimate a well-trained Pikachu or strategic use of legendaries at your own peril.

In the end, the Palworld x Pokemon fight goes to Pokemon. While Palworld's resilience shouldn't be underestimated, the combined might of Pokemon's diverse teams and legendary powerhouses might prove too much to overcome.