3 strongest Fighting Pokemon in Kanto

Fighting-type Pokemon (Image via Tom Salazar)
Fighting-type Pokemon (Image via Tom Salazar)

Options for Fighting-type Pokemon in Generation I are certainly limited, but there are still several Pokemon that can dish out some serious damage given the opportunity.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinion of the writer.

3 strongest Fighting Pokemon in Kanto

#3 - Primeape

Primeape is a familiar hat (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Primeape is a familiar hat (Image via The Pokemon Company)

To be brutally honest to the poor manic monkey, Primeape is on this list not because it's particularly good, but because it's better than all the remaining options. But with that said, Primeape does still have its high points.

Primeape's attack stat is wild, letting it crash through enemy teams with unbridled fury. And its move pool is crazily diverse. Its bread and butter moves are Submission, Body Slam, and Rock Slide, but it can even bring out a heavy-hitting Hyper Beam should it need to. And with an infuriatingly high speed stat, Primeape is all but guaranteed to get off its shattering blows.

But Primeape is also devastatingly frail, causing it to go down against even minor attacks. A glass cannon in the truest sense of the phrase.

#2 - Poliwrath

Poliwrath (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Poliwrath (Image via The Pokemon Company)

This froggy Pokemon is often overlooked due to its strange typing combination of Water and Fighting, neither of which particularly complement the other. However, this typing ends up making Poliwrath a coverage menace on the field.

Poliwrath specializes in using a mix of Surf, Blizzard, Amnesia, and Submission (with Hypnosis or Rest tossed in sometimes for special strategies). This makes Poliwrath a counter to Dragon, Ground, Rock, Normal, and Fire-types. It can even hold its own against Flying or Grass-types, so long as it can get a Blizzard off first.

Oh, and with Poliwrath's all-aroundd average stats (though it specializes in defense, HP, and attack), it can usually take a hit or two from anything other than some of the highest damage-dealers around. That's a nice bonus as well.

#1 - Machamp

Machamp (Image via The Pokemon Company)
Machamp (Image via The Pokemon Company)

Machamp is the Fighting-type champion of the Kanto region. With a powerful 130 attack stat, there's not many Pokemon that can take a Submission from this four-armed force of nature and stay standing afterwards. Add in its decent move diversity, with it having access to such bone-rending attacks as Earthquake and Hyper Beam, and this is a Pokemon that opponents have to be constantly wary of.

Machamp's biggest weaknesses are its low special defense and speed, along with its notable weakness to the ever-powerful Psychic-type. As such, Machamp often needs the support of its team whenever one of Generation I's brainy Psychic Pokemon gets sent out.