10 "dumbest things" players have done in Pokemon GO, according to Reddit

pokemon go anniversary
Dumbest things people have done in Pokemon GO (Image via Niantic)

Pokemon GO players often find themselves on Reddit, sharing their in-game experiences with fellow trainers. If you are someone who frequents Reddit, you will know that people love to talk about things going on in their lives. A recent post on the platform asked GO players to share stories of the "dumbest things" they have done while playing the game.

In this article, we will take a look at the 10 such incidents Pokemon GO players have found themselves in while playing the game.

Pokemon GO players share on Reddit the "dumbest things" they have done in the game

1) Illegally going to a neighboring country

Reddit user u/ketchuplover87 said they had crossed the border and entered Mexico to catch a Hawlucha.

Now, for those unaware, Hawlucha is a rare regional spawn in Pokemon GO and is only seen in Mexico.

While this person shared this comment for laughs, it would not be surprising if someone had done this to catch a Pocket Monster. It would definitely be embarrassing trying to explain to authorities if caught trespassing for a Pokemon.

Talking about being embarrassed, this is what Redditor u/StrikingEgg5866 said:

“I could never. My Mexican ancestors would be shaking their heads in disapproval up in heaven, watching me. 'We worked so hard to cross that border just so she could go back for a Pokémon?'”

2) Entering dangerous places to catch rare Pokemon

Reddit user u/Enovorah said that they had to run through a field full of potholes just to catch a wild Dragonite spawn. He had a lot of the residents of that area running with him for the same.

In the early days of Pokemon GO, encountering rare critters like Dragonite (not so rare now) or other third-stage evolutions was not as commonplace as it is today. You would have people scrambling if they got intel about a rare Dragonite spawn in their locality.

3) Getting locked in a store while raiding a Pokemon Gym

Reddit user u/Guardian-Boy shared that they had been locked in a store while fighting in a raid. They said that they were oblivious to the fact that the store was going to close in fifteen minutes and had to plead to convince the last worker that he had no ill intentions.

This bears testimony to how immersive Pokemon GO can be at times. However, it is always wise to be aware of everything that is happening around you. At the end of the day, Pokemon GO is just a game. It should never be more important than your safety.

4) Violating workplace regulations

Reddit user u/3oo2 said they almost received a write-up for “refusing to remove their Team Valor necklace” while at work. While it is advisable to stick to workplace customs, making such a great deal out of a necklace seems absurd. Imagine getting sacked for wearing your team’s emblem at work.

A few other Redditors shared a laugh by saying the following:

5) Getting their vehicle stuck in a ditch

Reddit user u/so_king21 said their “husband got his truck stuck in a ditch” while trying to take over a gym. They had to call a tow truck to get them out of the sticky situation. This goes to show that not being aware of your surroundings can create a lot of inconvenience for you and, at times, for those around you as well.

6) Interrupting a drug bust

Reddit user u/One -King767 shared an incident where they trespassed into a part of their locality where the police were conducting a drug investigation. There was an ongoing bust, but they were more focused on completing a raid and oblivious to the investigation.

Later on, they were questioned regarding their presence in that area. It is hilarious to what extent some players will go to catch their favorite critters.

7) Transferring shiny Pokemon for extra rewards

Reddit user u/40inmn4 transferred their shiny critters in hopes of getting better rewards from the game. They were probably unaware that Niantic is infamous for not rewarding its player base with freebies that are worth something.

A lot of the players were not aware of the rarity of shiny creatures back in the day. Safe to say that this was a lesson learned the hard way for u/40inmn4.

8) Crossing a river without a boat to catch a Lapras

Reddit user u/Mystery-Profile stated that back in 2016, when Pokemon GO had just come out, they had ventured into a river while trying to track down a Lapras. Sadly, their efforts were in vain, as they failed to catch what they were hunting.

9) Getting questioned by the cops for “suspicious activity”

Reddit user u/Username10inu said that they like to play Pokemon GO with their 14-year-old kid. Oftentimes they find themselves in parking lots, trying to get some raids done. This is where the police question them for “suspicious activities,” as it is odd to sit in parking lots for prolonged durations.

10) Jumping into random vehicles with strangers

"Umm jumped into random vehicles with strangers."

Reddit user u/Khaosbutterfly shared that they were doing some Kyogre raids on a relatively cold day. Their phone was also about to die when they spotted a man in a warm SUV participating in the raids with her. Without knowing who this person was, they asked if they could enter the vehicle, to which the man agreed.

They had a fun day raiding some Kyogres and later went to have some snacks. While it sounds nice, it could have gone worse as it is never a good idea to enter the vehicles of strangers.