India Vs Pakistan : Worn out shoes on green carpet...

The countdown is on… only a good hour to go for the final between India and Pakistan for Asian Champions Trophy in China… As we don’t get much information on the what and how and why due to an undefined lack of media coverage all in all we start talking about the shoes… Good subject… We say shoes mme… means – if you see the shoes of a person, you can make out his social standard or his character and taste. So my question: how many of the old Indian legends were playing hockey barefeet? Even during international matches??? Who of those heroes started their carrier with a wooden ball and a broken stick they found somewhere? Of course nowadays material matters a lot – but it is not the point! The Indian team was playing an unexpected good trounament – with only one pair of shoes each… fabulous! Harendra Singh always used to say – hockey is an intelligent game… and that is true! Once your basic skills are working and you are in good physical fitness your brain will decide if you are clever enough for the indian national sports called Hockey! And intelligence is not a question of social status, cast or origin – that is the charme of a teams sport!

The other question which is probably the background of blaiming the officials for not providing a second pair of astro turf shoes for the players is written on another piece of paper. These old men that may know how to spell Hockey – India – and Selfhishness and they are feeling to sitin a high and save possitions. Ok – but ideologically they are so far away from this sport they should take care of that they might wonder why the laied out carpet on the ground for them is not red but green and they might not be aware that all things will bounce back like a boomerang one day – and be carefull – we have an australien coach now – the native country of boomerangs… enjoy the match all of you!

Edited by Staff Editor