Indian Hockey: Delhi High Court restores IHF, hopes Hockey will be revived

Kanwar Pal Singh Gill: Raised brows

In a path breaking judgment, Judge S. Muralidhar of Delhi High court ordered the restoration of the Indian Hockey Federation. The IOA had sacked the federation two years ago after corruption allegations and poor on-field performance. The major and immediate reason being the ouster of the Indian from the Beijing Olympics.

Kanwar Pal Singh Gill: Raised brows

Kanwar Pal Singh Gill who had been leading the Federation till its ouster, was overjoyed by the courts order. This order means that (for the moment) Hockey India ceases to exist. The Hockey India was a body elected and erected by the IOA to handle the affairs in Indian Hockey in 2008. The petition was filed by Gill himself, and believes that now Hockey can be revived.

Gill is a former Police Chief Gill, who was credited with wiping out Sikh militancy in the northern state of Punjab. He had to face harsh remarks in the public eye after the concerned events.

The judge stated in his judgment:

“The knee-jerk reaction to losses at international events, which are inevitable in competitive events, and looking for persons to blame, cannot be conducive to a healthy development of any national sport”

“For a proper enquiry into the problems besetting Indian hockey, the cloud of suspension over the IHF should be lifted. The past should be put behind and a new beginning made.”

Edited by Staff Editor