Armless bodybuilder Barbie Thomas pumps inspirational iron

Barbie Thomas from Phoenix, Arizona can do anything an average person can do, except she does it with her feet. The 37-year old bodybuilder lost both her arms during a horrific electrical accident as a toddler. But that hasn’t prevented her from pursuing her dream.

“I’d say to anyone, you can do whatever you put your mind to,” says Thomas who dismisses that she’s at a disadvantage when it comes to a sport that involves flexing biceps. “The only limitations are the ones you put on yourself. Everyone has limitations and handicaps in some way or another– mine are more visible than yours maybe.”

Thomas is an inspiration to all who meet her. When she was 2 ½ years old, she climbed onto an electrical transformer and grabbed the wires. The electricity entered her hands and surged through her body; scorching her arms down to the bone.

“They were like charcoal,” Thomas states on her website, Fitness Unarmed; her arms were completely dead and had to be amputated at the shoulders. “The doctor said I wouldn’t live – and if I did live, I’d probably be a vegetable,” she recalls. “But God had a different plan for me; I’m still here, healthy, and alive and well!”

Not only is Thomas alive and well; but also she dances, swims, plays football and of course, competes in bodybuilding.

You can follow her on Twitter here: @FitnessUnarmed

Edited by Staff Editor