Ronnie Coleman narrates wild crime tales from his time in the Texas police department

Ronnie Coleman narrates crime tales from time in Texas police department (Image source: ss from Alex Eubank
Ronnie Coleman narrates crime tales from time in Texas police department (Image source: ss from Alex Eubank's YouTube channel)

Ronnie Coleman has created a legacy for himself in the realm of bodybuilding. However, long before he became a professional bodybuilder, he was a police officer at the Texas police department.

Even though he has been lifting weights since the age of 12, he never wanted to turn into a professional bodybuilder. However, fate had other plans. The owner of the gym that he went to proposed to offer him free gym membership for the rest of his life if he considered competing in bodybuilding.

Turning pro at his debut show itself, Ronnie Coleman became sure of his mettle as a bodybuilder. However, during his recent training session with fitness influencer Alex Eubank, Coleman reminisced about his time in the police force and narrated some of the crime tales that he witnessed as an officer.

"I saw so many dead people like I-I couldn't take it no one day I show up on the call, there's a 80-year-old know I'm like I-I-I can't do it no more. I can't look at no more dead bodies. This one call..worked 20 year old guy hung himself, all because his dog died and his girlfriend left him..that's what he said in the suicide note," he said. (11:32)
"My first day on the job, first day on the job got pulled into the station, put a 357 to his head, blew his head off..just the top part though you know all this was there, he put it right here. All..all..all of that part came off...I'm like holy sh*t..he blew his head all the way off..all you saw was brains hanging down, skull..skull all in the car," he added. (11:58)

Ronnie Coleman was unaware of the concept of suicides

Witnessing so many dead bodies can be triggering for anyone. Even though Ronnie Coleman became a police officer later in his life, he told Alex Eubank that he was unfamiliar with the concept of suicide.

"I didn't know you could have like put a gun to your head and pull the trigger..because it never happened where I'm from. I never saw it on TV or nothing you know back in those days and I remember I don't know when the first time I heard about it and I thought man somebody could actually do that to themselves," he said. (13:17)
"Put a gun to their head and pull the trigger like that's-that's the craziest thing I've ever heard in my life," he concluded. (13:35)

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Edited by Sankalp Srivastava