Millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson shares how his bad relationship with food helped him “bench press more than anyone”

Bryan Johnson exercising
Bryan Johnson exercising (Image Source: Bryan Johnson's Instagram)

Multi-millionaire Bryan Johnson, also known as the Biohacker, has been on a journey to reverse his age. But there is a surprising fact about Johnson that many don't know; he used to weightlift in his high school days.

Johnson recently shared a reel on his Instagram account reminiscing about his teenage days. He insisted that at 12, he used to be a skinny guy in his school. But during the transition from 12 to 13, Johnson went on an unhealthy diet, eating a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The Biohacker gained around 20 to 30 pounds that summer.

But that's not all. He became larger than most of his classmates, and they started to pick on him. They used to call him "fat," and Bryan Johnson told his mother about the same. However, she was supportive and mentioned that he is not fat and just "Husky."

The multimillionaire biohacker also said:

"So that was like the frame of my mind. I'm not fat; I'm husky. In high school, back when I got larger, because I was bigger, or as my mom would say, husky. I started lifting weights, and after a few months, I became the strongest kid in the school. I could bench press more than anyone."

Bryan Johnson's latest machine for situps

The Biohacker uploaded a video on his YouTube channel and showcased his latest invention, which allows him to have a workout equivalent to 20,000 situps in just 30 minutes.

The machine doesn't even require one to move a single muscle; one just needs to lie down, and the machine does all the work on the abdominal area. Bryan Johnson prefers the maximum setting on the machine.

"The max level what it feels like is it's pulling your entire stomach out it's like ripping it out it's a really odd and Powerful sensation I've worked up to this so I can do this for a full 30 minutes no problem," he said in the video.
"So after 30 minutes you equivalent of 20,000 sit-ups my midsection has never been stronger in my entire life and it has a chance to change how I feel athletically," he added.

What are your views on his latest invention? Would you give it a try? Let us know in the comments.

Edited by Samya Majumdar