"It doesn’t register in his brain" - Chris Aceto on why Jay Cutler will not compete in the Masters Olympia

Chris Aceto squashes the possibility of Jay Cutler competing in the Masters Olympia: Image via Instagram (@therealtechnician / @jaycutler)
Chris Aceto squashes the possibility of Jay Cutler competing in the Masters Olympia (Image via Instagram/@therealtechnician and @jaycutler)

Jay Cutler is a retired professional bodybuilder lauded as one of the best athletes to ever walk the stage. Cutler's career has been studded with many victories, including four Mr. Olympia titles. Since retirement, Cutler has kept himself busy as a commentator in the sport.

Another popular figure surrounding the sport, Chris Aceto, a professional coach, recently gave his opinion on the Masters Olympia in a recent episode of RxMuscle's Truth in Bodybuilding. According to Aceto, a close friend of Cutler's, the four-time Mr. Olympia is not even considering a return to the 2023 Masters. Aceto added that on a scale of one to 10, the chances of Cutler competing are nil.

"Never. Not even a – on a scale of 1-10, it doesn’t register in his brain for doing a masters show or any show."

Chris Aceto views the Masters Olympia as a 'reunion' show that is desperate for competitors who do not have what it takes to win pro shows now and did not have it in their prime either.

"No. I’m sure his [Cutler's] take is the same as mine, that’s why I rant on the Olympia. The Masters Olympia for the most part is like saying we’re going to have a playboy bunny reunion show."

Aceto believes that the buzz around the Masters Olympia is invalid as they are not going to see old rivalries being reborn. Instead, he believes that it will be a show filled with people who have never won in their prime.

"They’re not going to look like their 20s or 30s, the competitors for the most part, you might get someone coming in who could never in their prime [win]. Let’s just see where it goes. That’s the take on it."

Aceto added that if it was up to him, he would cancel the Masters Olympia altogether.

"Oh God, stop promoting that Masters Olympia. I want to pull the plug on it the more I think of it."


"He looks incredible" - Chris Aceto on Jay Cutler's physique at the ripe age of 50

Jay Cutler recently updated his fans on his physique at the age of 50. The update came after Jay took up the 'Fit for 50' challenge last year.

Looking at his physique, Aceto was absolutely stunned:

"I haven’t talked to him about it but I saw it [Jay’s fit for 50 update] and he looks incredible. Look at the pecs, look at the shoulders, look at those biceps – striated."


Aceto is almost certain that Jay has maintained his physique with as little as 10 minutes of training per day. Aceto lauded Jay's personality for attaining such a physique at 50.

"No, he loves discipline, he loves the process, he’s creative, he likes setting goals, he likes accomplishing goals, he loves business. And he likes… doing cutting edge things that – I mean, how many former Mr. Olympias would do an ‘I’m going to get in shape at 50.’ And take it seriously."

Aceto praised Jay for pursuing different things despite not needing any of the money or the fame that comes with it.

"He’s always, he’s got his interview show, he’s always doing something that – he doesn’t have to do any of it. Because you’re right, outside of Arnold [Schwarzenegger], who has that type of bank account?"

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Edited by Sabine Algur