"Hollywood gimmick bulls**t": Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine workout might not be a good idea, says elite fitness coach

Hugh Jackman performing gimmicky exercises
Hugh Jackman performing gimmicky exercises (Image Source: Hugh Jackman's Instagram)

Hollywood star and fitness sensation Hugh Jackman is gaining hype for his recent movie with Ryan Reynolds. Even at the age of 55, the actor still holds a remarkable physique, as he continuously trains to maintain his physique. But not everyone appreciates his training regimen.

Well-known fitness trainer Tanner Shuck shared his criticism of Jackman's workout regimen. He shared short clips of the Hollywood sensation performing squats on a stability ball. The fitness coach raised questions about Volvernie's decision to do such an exercise (9:34):

"This is just Hollywood gimmick bullsh*t stability ball squats so stupid all right, never ever do those; I would never do that, and I hope Hugh Jackman's not doing that regularly like that's just some bullsh*t right there."

Continuing, Shuck highlighted that doing squats on an unstable surface serves no purpose and won't make you strong.

The fitness coach even mentioned that the body stops absorbing the maximum amount of force it can exert when you're on an unstable surface. He even raised questions about Jackman's trainer's approach. Shuck said (9:45):

"The other guy in this video is his trainer; he should have his a*s kicked. Like, why would you ever let your client do such a stupid ass exercise? That's basically just asking to get hurt, especially when you have a Hollywood actor like that is the dumbest thing ever, and again, this is a really dumb exercise."

The criticism didn't end there for the Hollywood sensation. The fitness coach continued and passed down his verdict on his other exercises.

Hugh Jackman continuously did some "gimmick" exercises - Tanner Schuck

Shuck began with a clip of Jackman doing clap pushups, raising questions about its benefits and calling it a "gimmick exercise." He highlighted that doing a heavy-incline dumbbell press or barbell press is a much better option to build the chest (10:56).

"You don't need to ever really be doing clapping push-ups, and that's not really you're going to get you strong or build an impressive upper body," Shuck said.

Moving forward in the video, he also shared a clip of Jackman doing clapping pull-ups. The fitness coach compared it with the clapping push-ups (11:34):

"Again same this is like a this is a gimmick all right. Yes, it's impressive that he has the strength to pull himself up and do a clap in between reps of pull-ups, but that is not an effective exercise for training your back at all, like you'd be way way better off just doing slow, controlled, full-range of motion strict pull-ups at body weight."

Doing such kinds of exercises with no additional benefits increases the risk of getting severely injured, and the coach knows it well.

What are your views about the Hollywood sensation's workout regimen? Share your valuable thoughts in the comments.

Edited by Bhargav